How does the sound name auto control parameters?
playsound (auto, music.mp3, false, 1);
set (sound [????]. onplay, 'trace ("!");');
sound [? ? ? ] .onplay How to get the name?
How does the sound name auto control parameters?
playsound (auto, music.mp3, false, 1);
set (sound [????]. onplay, 'trace ("!");');
sound [? ? ? ] .onplay How to get the name?
with action script you cant know the name if you use auto.
so better use a name
playsound(rocknroll, music.mp3, false, 1);
set(sound[rocknroll].onplay, 'trace ("!");');
When having used 'auto' as name for a new sound, then there will be also a global variable named autosound that refers to that last created sound object.
I don't understand what he means
And after the sound is played, it ca n’t be played anymore, no sound name can be found.
playsound(auto, music.mp3, false, 1);
trace('autosound=', autosound);
set(sound[get(autosound)].onplay, 'trace ("!");');
read the documentation:
trace('autosound =',autosound);
INFO: autosound=[object Object]
No effect, no control
WARNING: Unknown action: sound[get(autosound)].toggle
well, if autosound is not a string (the name) but an object, what could it be ?
always read the docs, they are very exact !
(i didnt do that, first )
" there will be also a global variable named autosound that refers to that last created sound object. "
trace('last name = ',;; // play later
of course autosound gets overwritten if you create another sound with auto
so it would be wise to backup the sound object for later use
copy(mysound, autosound);
trace('mysound name = ',;; // play later
but why not simple use your own name anyway?
sound[mysound].play(); // play later
Thank you very much for your kind help
Because I want to understand how auto works
I'll test your code later
thank you
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