just yesterday updated the version of krpano from 1.19 (16) to 1.20.8
and ran into such a problem that it is no longer possible to parse the scene, the one that was indicated at loading.
previously i used
let xml;
function xml_parse_content () {
const krpano = document.getElementById ("krpanoSWFObject");
xml = krpano.get (`xml.content`)
console.log (xml)
xml_parser_tablet (xml)
function xml_parser_tablet (name) {
let parser = new DOMParser ();
let xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString (name, "application / xml")
console.log (xmlDoc)
A nd I was fine with all the xml files found in the scene
(all include)
And now, after the update, it just displays what is in the scene tag and everything without going into include
Please tell me how to extract xml files in the new version (1.20.8) to parse them.