Hi all
hope you are all well and in good health
I recently created a full tour and tried to put fully compatible with all devices but, on Ios Phones it has a weird behavior. On all other it has the correct behavior
The bar that sould be placed near the bottom has this 2 definitions (according to the device)
<layer name="toolbar" devices="desktop.or.tablet" type="container" width="100%" height="75" align="leftbottom" bgcolor="0xffffff" keep="true" visible="false" bgalpha="1" maskchildren="false" bgcapture="false" zorder="7" x="0" hidey="-75" y="0" >
<layer name="toolbar" devices="mobile.and.!tablet" type="container" width="100%" height="40" align="leftbottom" bgcolor="0xffffff" keep="true" visible="false" bgalpha="1" maskchildren="false" bgcapture="false" zorder="6" x="0"
hidey="-40" y="0" >
the sample urls are this ones
The difference between this two pages is only the "viewport" metadata.
In iOS phones i get fullscreen but that bar is out of place.
Attached is a iPhone screenshot with the "viewport meta"
Anyone knows why, with viewport, things get ot of place?
Thank you all for the help