KRPANO chroma key masking not working with Javascript

  • Hello I im having problem with the chroma key property of the videohotspot. when i im tring to apply chroma key for a video hotspots from the javascript like this

    Code'set(hotspot[hs_name].chromakey, 0x238E54|0.294|0.133);');

    which is applying chroma key value on the hotspot properties.
    But it is not apply the effect on the video.

    But When i create static hotspot in my tour.xml like this:

    <hotspot  name="speaker" url.html5="plugins/videoplayer.js" url.flash="plugins/videoplayer.swf" videourl="video/video.mp4" distorted="true" capture="false" ath="-293" atv="2" chromakey="0x238E54|0.294|0.133" scale="0.09" loop="true"/>

    Inside the scene then it is working perfectly.

    but what is the problem when binding chroma key with the javascript is not affecting the video.
    what is wrong with this code.

    Code'set(hotspot[hs_name].chromakey, 0x238E54|0.294|0.133);');


  • Edited 4 times, last by guidosim (February 10, 2021 at 5:56 PM).

  • Thank you much for your quick response klaus, i know hotspot name must be same but in my case i'm creating video hotspots dynamically from javascript.

    unfortunately it is not working.

    Am I missing anything?

    Thanks a lot Klaus for finding the time to answer to my query

    Edited 2 times, last by guidosim (February 10, 2021 at 5:57 PM).

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