I made this Pano with a Drone:
How can i limit my Topview with krpano Tools.exe?
I tried some setting but not found out.
Thanks alot for any help.
I made this Pano with a Drone:
How can i limit my Topview with krpano Tools.exe?
I tried some setting but not found out.
Thanks alot for any help.
Thanks alot. I dont understand it fully. Usually i go to krpano Tools.exe and drag my tour.xml into it. Then i set the area i want as "Set as startup view". Is there a way to limit the Nadir in the rpano Tools.exe?
i think not that way.. not sure.. i never use that ' route'.
open the tour.xml, find the scene that you want to 'limit' and add the above code (the first section) to the <view 'line of code'.
Yes you can set the view limits with the new editor.
Open you tour and click on "Edit pano-type" and then "Set Custom Range Limits" and play with the different values.
Yes it works I made with the new Editor. Happy! Thanks alot!
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