SoundInterface doesn't work on iPhone. Why?

  • Hi,

    hmm... it should work (and it does on all my iOS test devices)...

    Did you touch the screen to start the sound?

    Best regards,

    yes, but there is no sound coming out on my iPhone :( I do know that Apple blocks autoplay sound, and I tried touching the screen and it doesn't work either

  • Just tried on iPhone 6S with latest IOS and it works as expected BUT on the krpano exemple you posted playsound is used, that means the audio file must be fully loaded before playing (not like streamsound) so if you connection is slow it can take a while before you hear anything.

  • Just tried on iPhone 6S with latest IOS and it works as expected BUT on the krpano exemple you posted playsound is used, that means the audio file must be fully loaded before playing (not like streamsound) so if you connection is slow it can take a while before you hear anything.

    Hi jeromebg !

    This is my code:

    <action name="startup" autorun="onstart">
    if(startscene === null OR !scene[get(startscene)], copy(startscene,scene[0].name); );
    loadscene(get(startscene), null, MERGE);
    if(startactions !== null, startactions() );
    preloadsound(audio/bgsound.mp3 || audio/bgsound.ogg);
    playsound(bgsound, audio/bgsound.mp3 || audio/bgsound.ogg, true, 0.75);

    Is it correct?
    If possible can you give me an example? Thank you.

  • This is an old thread, but I've been experiencing this too. I've got an iPhone 7 Plus running Software Version 15.8.2. I can play audio through the phone's speakers on the phone fine, but not from krpano. If I connect a Bluetooth headphone to the phone, the krpano audio works. Disconnect the headphone and the audio stops. I've tried pre-loading the audio, but that doesn't help. I've been using .mp3 files on my Windows laptop and Android phone and all's good. I've tried .m4a files, but that doesn't change anything on the iPhone. I'm using krpano 1.21.2 (build 2023-12-11). As thienkd pointed out at the start of this thread, the example on the krpano website doesn't work on my iPhone either.

    Any ideas anyone?

    Cheers, Chris

  • Hi,

    all the sound examples work just fine on my iphone 11 pro.
    The screen needs a touch though.
    Perhaps you have the volume off, or the phone or IOS is too old..*question*

    Please share a link and/or code.


  • Hi Turr,

    Here's a link: I've done the screen touch thing and am sure the volume is up, I tried it on a friend's new iPhone and it didn't work.

    I just tried it with the iPhone connected to a Bluetooth speaker and that works fine. I turned the speaker off and it then immediately started working on the phone. I went through exactly the same process again: connect Bluetooth speaker start tour and there's sound, disconnect speaker, but this time, no sound. Repeat a few more times, try with Bluetooth headphones, no sound.

    I've tried with Safari, Bing and Firefox, none of which work.

    It's strange that very infrequently the sound does work through the phone's speakers, but 95+% of the time it doesn't. I've not altered the code. I've restarted the iPhone a few times.

    At a loss what to do next...

    Cheers, Chris

    Edited 2 times, last by Crusty (June 13, 2024 at 6:45 PM).

  • Unfortunately it is working here. I hate sounds playing without me activating it. And most other users do so as well. Playing sounds without aksing before is the worst user experience possible and will lead to an instant exiting from the tour.

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