• I received the whitelist approval, but I am not able to create a business page using my personal account.

    Much of the documentation seems to send me in circles. At first, I was just attempting to use social plugins on my site. The documentation seems to push you torwards embedding the application on facebook. The two facebook text books that I have also seem to be focused on embedded applications. The application interface is complicated. Now, I am just trying to follow your example. Confused and tired of traveling in circles ; )

  • Hi Castillonisindex.php?page=User&userID=57,

    I've played around a bit with Facebook in the last days.

    • I was able to create a new application with which a new tab in yor profile could be made
    • Was integrating the Like button into my website

    But I'm still got no answer from facebook about my withe list request to try the direct embedding of movies.

    Which is the solution you would like now?

    • A new tab with integrated videos like this ?
    • posting pano's to your wall which can be executed directly in facebook?
    • adding social plugins to your website?



  • 1. Facebook is already previewing ( displaying ) the application at 520 pixels wide versus 760 pixels to help developers prepare for the change. This makes my type of images more difficult to implement.

    2. I have had trouble with my sound not playing on Facebook. The sound does play when viewed from my own server.

  • 1. Facebook is already previewing ( displaying ) the application at 520 pixels wide versus 760 pixels to help developers prepare for the change. This makes my type of images more difficult to implement.

    2. I have had trouble with my sound not playing on Facebook. The sound does play when viewed from my own server.

    well... it happen to me also... maybe FB disallowed a direct streaming from external source especially mp3 in krpano ecosystem...

  • Ironically, I am embedding a flash based mp3 player to play sound because my flash application audio is not working when it is embedded on a Facebook tab. Other plugins such as the editor work well. I have not benefited from the facebook developer forum and I have not received a user name from the system yet. I have two books that were published in 2008 and 2010 which are OK, but Facebook might be difficult to document in a physical book, because it changes too quickly. The O'Reilly Facebook Cookbook is OK.

    Facebook FBML documentation for Embedded Media

        title="Maria Jose"
        artist="Federico Aubelle"

    Also, you might look at "AddThis" for quickly implementing social media buttons on flash that is served externally from Facebook. Look at the Gallery for different types of icons. It is working well for me.

    Adobe Flex and Flash Actionscript 3.0 libraries for Facebook

    I prefer to serve krpano media from a server external to Facebook. Especially for partial panoramas. I only embed the object when the customer asks me to do this.

  • When I use firefox and the firebug plugin with the network tab enabled I do see the mp3 file requested and possibly sent. It says facebook.com Does this mean that Facebook is serving the mp3 from cache? The other plugins such as editor have full functionality when the flash object is embedded in the code.

    Also, I played a mind jolt game that has sound with the firebug plugin network tab enabled for all traffic and I did not see any network activity when sounds played. I wonder if the audio is embedded in the main .swf file.

    Edited 2 times, last by Castillonis (August 21, 2010 at 9:01 AM).

  • The sound not playing for a flash object on an iframe on a facebook canvas was resolved with a crossdomain.xml file. I rcvd some help and had one of those "duh" moments where you say why did I not remember that. So sound now works when the krpano flash object is embedded on the facebook canvas.

  • The sound not playing for a flash object on an iframe on a facebook canvas was resolved with a crossdomain.xml file. I rcvd some help and had one of those "duh" moments where you say why did I not remember that. So sound now works when the krpano flash object is embedded on the facebook canvas.

    would u share the sollutions ?

  • XML
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
       <allow-access-from domain="*.facebook.com" />
  • I put this text in a file named crossdomain.xml in the same directory as the .swf and .xml files for krpano.

    I am not aware of a "security" markup tag that is parsed by krpano.swf. Though, I am not aware of many of the new features and depend upon the discussion in this forum to understand them.

  • tq thank you Castillonis..

    will try it later..

    anyway id just want to share with u guys this Chrome extension for Facebook...

    this extension will make any thumbnail inside FB larger... just hover to the thumbnail...

    after install just re-login..

    click link here

    enjoys.. :)

  • mmm.. that old picture that works now but on the new droplets i get other html..
    why is this not working??

    then you get that long body...

    <script type="text/javascript">
    // <![CDATA[.............................

    and then:


    What to do??

    Tuur *thumbsup*

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