I was reviewing krpano examples code and found one line which I couldn't understand.
Example - https://krpano.com/viewsource.htm…ode/example.xml
Quoteonclick="set(control, mouse=drag, touch=drag);.."
I have just learned that I could set multiple values to an object, but
In the code above, the "control" object does not have mouse/touch attributes and it seems that the "drag" values belong to "control.mode" attribute.
So the shouldn't the code be something like
Quoteonclick="set(control.mode, mouse=drag, touch=drag);.."
onclick="set(control, mode.mouse=drag, mode.touch=drag);.."
I have tried both but none of them work.
Can someone explain how "set(control, mouse=drag, touch=drag);" exactly work?
Thank you in advance!