Hello Klaus,
Hoping you're doing well, with the recent launch of 3DVista's 3dModel feature (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8Oc2EIs2d4) some days ago I wonder if there's any plans to incorporate this into future updates of Krpano beyond current three.js feature?
I love krpano much more over 3dvista but I don't see any smooth way to integrate 3d models / photogrammetry with panoramas or krpano structure. Some clever coders have shown me good examples of 3d model integration but still is more of an ingenious code gimmick than a native suport.
I haven't seen for example any way to embed hotspots into a 3d model point which could trigger some krpano actions like showing a menu or manipulating the model (E.g. opening car doors / turning on lights).
I know Krpano has been intended since the beginning for 360 photo/video and does it's job very well, I'd love it to count with a 3d extension in some point (huge application potential) so hope you're considering it, or if not would be good to know it won't come or will but not in the nearby future.
Thank you!