Good evening Klaus and all
It may still be too early to ask this question, but will there be progress on PanoTour Pro 2.5 during the update so of course it can be done?
And a big thank you for your work Klaus BRAVO!!
Good evening Klaus and all
It may still be too early to ask this question, but will there be progress on PanoTour Pro 2.5 during the update so of course it can be done?
And a big thank you for your work Klaus BRAVO!!
Testing here panotour 2.5 with 1.21 , looks everything is fine, im just reporting some issues in pantour plugins for now : supersearch is not working and in animator plugin the crircle effect turns square on over. I will report more if see more issues. I send this report to Maurizio from panotour plugin.
Why is the layer not being created dynamically, what am I doing wrong?
I think you should specify the type of layer and its position
Hi Klaus,
if one day it will be possible to set up a parent hotspot-hotspot then do you have plans to add maskchildren for webgl hotspots?
The new version is fantastic
Hi Klaus, people noticed one typo in the Layer documentation: align="lefftop"
It's not a big deal, but it's still a big deal)
I try to 1.21 with my old depthmap project. But look like there is a limit for stl files now. obj files already has this limit before 1.21
will try to show you what I mean.
this basic model for create stl file. if the box size biger than 50m tour get slow down. stl file size 88k. its not about stl file size
even try to 1m box size and scale it to 100 again it get slower.
I prepared an example. 100m box size and 0.1 scale, working. but if scale it up, get slower and after 100m chrome give error firefox slower and slower.
You can try it from link
and this is the 1.20.11 working project
is that bug or limit. Any idea?
if one day it will be possible to set up a parent hotspot-hotspot then do you have plans to add maskchildren for webgl hotspots?
I'm already working on that (with maskchildren support).
It will be not ready for version 1.21, but maybe short after that (1.21.1 or so).
Hi Klaus, people noticed one typo in the Layer documentation: align="lefftop"
It's not a big deal, but it's still a big deal)
I try to 1.21 with my old depthmap project. But look like there is a limit for stl files now. obj files already has this limit before 1.21
Try setting the subdiv setting to 0:
This disables the sub-division of the 3D-model geometry.
Because a very large/wide 3D-model in combination with short minimal length for a triangle-edge-length could cause generating too much triangles.
Best regards,
Thats great. its working now.
Thank you so much.
Try setting the subdiv setting to 0:
This disables the sub-division of the 3D-model geometry.
Because a very large/wide 3D-model in combination with short minimal length for a triangle-edge-length could cause generating too much triangles.
Hi Klaus,
Started converting tours with latest release and I have a question about hotspot rendering.
When tweening scale/alpha the result is a bit jerking when rendering in css3d witch is default now.
Here is an example :
Is it normal ?
Thanx !
Great update, thank you Klaus!
Switched deeplinking to true in the vtourskin.xml and got following error in the console:
WARNING: js() - calling Javascript "history.replaceState(null, document.title, get(adr));" failed: TypeError: Can only call History.replaceState on instances of History [3x]
deeplinking seems to fail here. Tested on Mac OS X 12.6.3, Safari 16.3
Best regards,
maybe I'm the only one with this error, but when a model has an mtl file and the code has "placeholders" in the model path, the browser has an error when loading the testcore specified in the mtl file.
MTL file:
newmtl plan
Ns 0.000000
Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.800000
Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ni 1.450000
d 1.000000
illum 1
map_Kd plan.jpg
It looks as if these placeholders are not replaced when loaded from the mtl file:
But if you change the path and remove the placeholder, everything works fine:
thanks so much for 1.21!
I just removed my custom made scrollarea function and replaced it with the scrollarea layer type.
However I notice some big diffrence: The Scrollarea even displays the scrollbars when there is nothing to scroll.
This is very counter intuitive and kinda annoying.
Is there any way to remove the scrollbar when it is not needed? In my version I used a check like "if (scrollcontent < scrollarea) {remove_scrollbar}" and I think this should be standard or at least optional.
Any inputs on that?
Thank you so much!
Hi Klaus,
Thank you so very much for this upgrade.
However, question: can we now play background sounds on Linux
(reference to my earlier post:…threadID=18639&)?
Because I have downloaded the pre-release version and it looks like it doesn’t work: I got error messages while it works fine when the tour is online.
Kind Regards,
Hello, there is a strange resizing happening when I dynamically assign a parent hotspot to a layer.
This happens when the hotspot has a scale different from one.
here is an example , click on hotspots:
<hotspot name="hs1" url="red.png" ath="-20" scale="2"
onclick="set(layer[point].parent, hotspot[hs1]);" />
<hotspot name="hs2" url="red.png" ath="20" scale="2"
onclick="set(layer[point].parent, hotspot[hs2]);" />
<layer name="point" align="center" url="green.png" />
Hotspots do not resize in the previous version
Quoted from "San7"
and when the text floats close to the edge, it starts to sway quickly, trying not to hide behind the edge of the screenThat's a feature - see the noclip setting, but it shouldn't 'sway'...
I have just noticed this too: with noclip="true" the showtext plugin calls showtext_do_clipping() many times per second resulting in text switching position to and fro.
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Hi Klaus,
Thank you so very much for this upgrade.![]()
However, question: can we now play background sounds on Linux
(reference to my earlier post:…threadID=18639&)?
Because I have downloaded the pre-release version and it looks like it doesn’t work: I got error messages while it works fine when the tour is online.
Kind Regards,
Ok, finally it works. I figured out that I had to change the syntax of the url for the sound file compared to 1.20.11. Therefore: thanks a lot Klaus, this will help me a lot!
Playsound error, only play the first enter the scene, the scene switching is an error, it's 1.20.11 it's work
Do you have an example for testing?
Started converting tours with latest release and I have a question about hotspot rendering.
When tweening scale/alpha the result is a bit jerking when rendering in css3d witch is default now.
Here is an example :
Is it normal ?
Hmm... that doesn't look nice, might be related to the new pixel-grid-fitting (intented for sharper texts and edges) but in such case counterproductive... I will check it.
Switched deeplinking to true in the vtourskin.xml and got following error in the console:
WARNING: js() - calling Javascript "history.replaceState(null, document.title, get(adr));" failed: TypeError: Can only call History.replaceState on instances of History [3x]
I've noticed that recently too and it's already fixed for the next build.
As workaround for the moment, you can replace the js() call in the vtourskin.xml with this one:
when a model has an mtl file and the code has "placeholders" in the model path, the browser has an error when loading the testcore specified in the mtl file.
Thanks, will be fixed in the next build.
However I notice some big diffrence: The Scrollarea even displays the scrollbars when there is nothing to scroll.
This is very counter intuitive and kinda annoying.
I assume you mean the new autoscrollbars feature - that's only for automatic controlling and sizing the scrollbars, but they will not change the layout of the scrollarea or other layers.
For checking if scrollbars are required, the onoverflowchange event and the woverflow / hoverflow variables can be used. When the values are greater than 0, then the content is overflowing and a scrollbar would be required.
onoverflowchange="if(hoverflow GT 0, show the scrollbar, adjust the layout..., hide the scrollbar... );"
there is a strange resizing happening when I dynamically assign a parent hotspot to a layer.
This happens when the hotspot has a scale different from one.
here is an example , click on hotspots:
Thanks for the exampe, that's a bug! Will be fixed.
Best regards,
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