Hi All,
Another small photogrammetry project to further learn the process.
275 images taken with Nikon D3 and Mavic 2 Pro.
Resulted in a 25.7mi triangles mesh, downlscaled to about 150K for web view.
After the model was processed in Reality Catpure, I had to correct a lot of artifacts in the generated mesh, especially on gutter and the windows.
gutter issues
window issus
Used blender to fill the holes and then re-texture the model in reality capture.
Also cleaned up the krpano "template" a bit by removing multiple buttons and integrating the functionality into the navigation bar of the annotations plugin.
Final result:
Link: https://krpano.kri-soft.be/mahieuchapel/
Software used:
- Lightroom
- Reatity Catpure
- Blender
- krpano / annotations plugin / Orbit Control Plugin