[SOLVED]Help with 'tour_testingserver_macos' on MacBook with M2 Processor

  • Hi

    I recently started using a new system, a MacBook with an M2 processor and Sonoma 14.1.1. However, I'm encountering issues with krpano

    1. When I try to run a vtour (version 1.21.02) created on Windows by executing "tour_testingserver_macos" on the MacBook, I receive a message that it can't be opened because Unicode (UTF-8) text encoding is not applied. (This is a translation from the original Korean message, so it may differ slightly from the actual English wording.)

    2. Following the error mentioned above, to test whether the issue was due to the VR being created on Windows, I installed Krpano 1.21.1 on the Mac, created a VR using a 360-degree image and the "MAKE VTOUR Droplet", and tried running "tour_testingserver_macos" in the folder. However, I got a message saying that 'tour_testingserver_macos' is damaged and cannot be opened, and it must be moved to the trash. (This is also a translation from Korean.)

    This is my first time using Krpano on a Mac, and although I've searched the forum, I might have missed relevant information due to my limited search skills.

    Thank you.*smile**smile**smile*

  • visu3465 November 25, 2023 at 2:51 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Troubleshooting 'tour_testingserver_macos' Issues on MacBook with M2 Processor” to “Help with 'tour_testingserver_macos' on MacBook with M2 Processor”.
  • 2) do not run krpano from the downloads folder and first execute FIX INSTALL OSX.command once after installing it

    1) did you change the tour xml in windows? might have changed the text encoding. use a good editor (sublime text or visual studio code)

    Thank you for the information. indexofrefraction *smile**smile*

    1. I always modify XML files using VS Code on Windows.
    2. I looked up how to install Krpano on macOS and ran the 'FIX INSTALL OSX.command' first.

    Additionally, XML files that work well on the Windows version, when loaded in macOS's Vtour Editor with 'Load tour.xml', generally operate fine for basic Depthmap tours. However, the function that uses hotspots to operate layers for zooming in and out of images does not work, and there are also errors in the actions used in Dollhouse.

    I'm curious to know if other people have any issues when they transfer VR code created on Windows to macOS and run it locally with 'tour_testingserver_macos'.

    Thank you*g*

  • Hi,

    However, the function that uses hotspots to operate layers for zooming in and out of images does not work, and there are also errors in the actions used in Dollhouse.

    What functions and exactly do you mean?
    And what errors?

    I'm curious to know if other people have any issues when they transfer VR code created on Windows to macOS and run it locally with 'tour_testingserver_macos'.

    That's unfortunately a general OSX problem - any downloaded files are not automatically allowed to be executed, there are no execute permissions and 'quarantine flags' that prevent running them...

    Making a package on OSX can work, but coping from Windows to OSX is problematic.

    Best regards,

  • Hi klaus *smile*

    What functions and exactly do you mean?
    And what errors?

    I apologize, it was my mistake.
    When I was working on Windows, I only used VS Code and Chrome for development and didn't use the krpano tools.
    I assumed there were no errors with the krpano tools on Windows, but when I opened the same XML file with the Windows krpano tools, I saw the same error messages that appeared in the macOS krpano tools. It was my oversight for not checking this earlier. I'm sorry for the confusion. (screenshot in window is attached)


    2. Following the error mentioned above, to test whether the issue was due to the VR being created on Windows, I installed Krpano 1.21.1 on the Mac, created a VR using a 360-degree image and the "MAKE VTOUR Droplet", and tried running "tour_testingserver_macos" in the folder. However, I got a message saying that 'tour_testingserver_macos' is damaged and cannot be opened, and it must be moved to the trash. (This is also a translation from Korean.)

    As for making a package on OSX, this is part of the initial question I asked. Currently, what I really want to resolve is to be able to check the VR I created using 'tour_testingserver_macos' locally on macOS. I would appreciate it if you could look at the above part that I initially talked about."

    Thanks you!!*smile*

  • I found the permissions part mentioned by Klaus, and after entering the 'Gatekeeper' deactivation command in the terminal, now I can run 'tour_testingserver_macos' and operate VR locally.

    Thank you so much!!*smile**smile**smile**smile**smile*

    Additionally, I have confirmed that when I bring a VR created on Windows to macOS, deleting the 'tour_testingserver_macos' generated through 'MAKE VTOUR Droplet' on Windows and replacing it with 'tour_testingserver_macos' created on macOS makes it work.

    Edited once, last by visu3465 (November 25, 2023 at 11:28 PM).

  • visu3465 November 25, 2023 at 11:32 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Help with 'tour_testingserver_macos' on MacBook with M2 Processor” to “[SOLVED]Help with 'tour_testingserver_macos' on MacBook with M2 Processor”.

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