Hi, I embedded xml file into the pano Html page following the instructions here: https://krpano.com/docu/localusage/?version=120
All is working fine except for the sound! I have the notification: "ERROR: Soundinterface Load Error: Loading failed"
I tried <plugin name="soundinterface" url="data:text/javascript;base64,....
and <plugin name="soundinterface" url="data:text/plain;base64,....
but no one is working!
Would this be a krpano issue?! Thanks for your help!
Soundinterface is not working when using DATA-URLS ?!
Indexofrefraction, sorry but you didn't give a response to the fact that soundinterface plugin is not loading! The links you mentioned are just talking about the base64 audio encoding!
I have also to mention that this issue doesn't occur when the same xml is used as external file! But when it is embedded into the pano html page the sound interface doesn't load!!
the links are only for a correct data uri and base64 encoding.
be sure to always use the newest krpano.
if only an external xml works, there might be there is an issue with loadxml()
to create offline tours maybe use electron, there was a tutorial video posted recently
Hi, the xml is loading fine as I mentioned earlier, all is working well including the Base64 encoded images, just there is no sound cause the Soundinterface is not loading when the xml is embedded into the html page!! But if I use this same xml as an external file the soundinterface is loaded!! I think the issue is related to something else!
to create offline tours maybe use electron, there was a tutorial video posted recently
The problem with electron is it's not working with mobiles! The only solution I see that works for desktop and mobiles is using DATA-URLs!
So.. This is either a bug in krpano or a mistake on your side.
why not post an example online with/without external xml?
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