JPG quality when creating a tour

  • Hello everyone. I noticed that the jpg quality has become worse in the already assembled tour.

    The jpg source has a resolution of 10000*5000 and is much clearer and better than in the already assembled version. So I wondered how to keep the maximum quality from the source without greatly impairing performance. When building a tour, I use vtour-multires.config.

    As far as I understand, the value of tilesize plays a role in the quality of the image. In my tour tilesize=512. Here is an example of my scene:

  • Hello, as far as i understand krpano it's not the final tiles size that will set the quality of you jpeg. You should have a look at the "templates" folder which is used to set parameters in the vtour or multires creation. There you will see that the multires conf file calls the "basicsettings" in which I can read :

    # image filtering and compression settings

    Then you can test which settings gives you the best quality you want without taking too much time for loading.

  • Hi,

    the tilesize is unrelated to the image quality.
    The tilesize is only related to the loading and rendering performance.

    Two things are affecting the image quality:
    - the sphere to cube conversion
    - and the jpeg compression

    E.g. maybe as first try using the 'vtour-multires-nocube.config' instead of the 'vtour-multires.config' (basically the same, but with the converttocube setting disabled).

    And additionally play with the jpeg compression settings (by default defined in the 'basicsettings.config' file, which gets included in the vtour config files): - Documentation - krpano Tools Config File Reference

    Maybe try settings to up:


    But anything higher would be only waste of file size and loading speed...

    Best regards,

  • The basicsettings.config is just the file where the jpeg settings are defined by default, you could define them also in the vtour config files.

    But as said first try without cube-conversion! You wrote the source is 'much clearer' and that little jpeg compression shouldn't be able to make a 'much' difference. The cube-conversion might have a larger effect in this case...

  • As far as I understand, without cube-conversion is not suitable for me, since on tour I move between scenes using depthmap. Moving from sphere to sphere looks incorrect.

    At the same time, the quality is really better without cube-conversion

    Edited once, last by Nikkben (February 28, 2024 at 1:51 PM).

  • What error and what mobile device?

    Today the most mobile devices should be capable for 4096x4096 textures, but indeed - for older devices that size can be a problem.

    Try using this instead:


    It it will use either 4096 or a lower value, when limited by the device.

    See: - Documentation - Actions / Scripting Reference

  • Outputs: "Error. Unfortunately the page cannot be loaded". Mobile device is iphone 11/12. I tried cubemapsize="calc:min(4096,device.maxtexturesize)" , but it still gives an error.

    Is it possible to somehow prescribe in <image> a condition that if the computer version, it is cubemapsize=4096, and if the mobile version defaults to 2048 ?

    Edited once, last by Nikkben (March 18, 2024 at 7:05 PM).

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