I am a bit new to krpano, coming from other softwares and really enjoying the possibilities so far.
I have a question that might be a bit basic, I've created an xml with some panoramas and I've also created a .stl 3d models (with cam projections for each pano view using the awesome panocamadder plugin).
The 3d model will need some work to get something clean and detailed for a dollhouse with baked textures, that'll come later, but for now I would like to use the simple layout 3d model for more accurate hotspot positioning.
Reason being. I have a lot of hotspots and I want to keep position consistency between scenes so I would prefer to use xyz coordinates over atv, ath but navigate using the cube projection.
If this is possible? how would I need to change this:
<hotspot name="HS_test_angle" keep="true" style="style"
distorted="true" depth="0" depthbuffer="true" rotationorder="xzy" enabled="true" capture="false"
tx="-56.67" ty="-10.0" tz="-944.13"
rx="-90.0" ry="-0.0" rz="-0.0"
<image style="test_style">
<cube url="panos/testspace.tiles/%s/l%l/%v/l%l_%s_%v_%h.jpg" multires="512,640,1280,2624" />
<depthmap url="models/testspace_DEPTH.stl" enabled="true" rendermode="3dmodel" scale="100"/>
would the example below work to have the model for hotspot 3d coordinates but scene viewing and navigation with cube projection?:
<image style="test_style">
<cube url="panos/testspace.tiles/%s/l%l/%v/l%l_%s_%v_%h.jpg" multires="512,640,1280,2624" enabled="true"/>
<depthmap url="models/testspace_DEPTH.stl" enabled="false" rendermode="3dmodel" scale="100"/>
EDIT: seems that when I set depthmap enabled="false", rendermode="3dmodel" the hotspots are in the right position in 3d space and the cube projection renders instead of the 3dmodel as I want to. (only need the model for hotspot positions atm not for navigation)
but when I click a hotspot with onclick="loadscene(testscene_angle2);"/> the scene opens in 3dmodel view instead of cube projection although it is set to depthmap enabled "false" but rendermode="3dmodel" as the previous scene.
Let me know if you have any thoughts about this please.