[Resolved] I want to modify the title.

  • Hello?
    Question about the display of the title in the menu bar.

    <krpano version="1.21.2" title="Resting place" renderer="webgl">
    <scene name="scene_0001" title="" onstart="select_box_item(scene_0001)" thumburl="panos/0001.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="36.83191667" lng="127.95983333" alt="213.60" heading="0.0" group="group_01">

    As above, sometimes <scene> does not use the title.

    If you do this, it will show as below.

    There's a -0 in the title part. I want to make it invisible.

    It looks fine when you work on the other side.

    <krpano version="1.21.2" title="" renderer="webgl">
    <scene name="scene_0001" title="test" onstart="select_box_item(scene_0001)" thumburl="panos/0001.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="36.83191667" lng="127.95983333" alt="213.60" heading="0.0" group="group_01">

    I don't know how to fix it. Where to fix it in vtourskin.xml?

    				<layer name="skin_title" type="text" autowidth="true" vcenter="true" align="middletop" edge="bottom" x="4" y="-10" zorder="4" enabled="false" bg="false" background="true" backgroundcolor="0x2D3E50" backgroundalpha="0.8" border="true" bordercolor="0xffffff" borderalpha="0"  borderwidth="5"  roundedge="4" css="calc:skin_settings.design_text_css + ' text-align:left; font-style: font-size:16px;'" txtshadow="get:skin_settings.design_text_txtshadow" visible="false" onautosized="skin_video_updateseekbarwidth();" />
    				<layer name="skin_video_controls" type="container" align="lefttop" edge="leftbottom" width="100%" height="18" visible="false">
    					<layer name="skin_video_seekbar_container" type="container" align="lefttop" width="100%" height="100%" bgcapture="true" ondown="skin_video_ondownseeking();" >
    						<layer name="skin_video_seekbar" type="container" bgcolor="0xFFFFFF" bgalpha="0.25" align="center" width="100%" height="2">
    							<layer name="skin_video_loadbar" type="container" bgcolor="0xFFFFFF" bgalpha="0.5" align="left" width="0" height="2" />
    							<layer name="skin_video_seekpos" type="container" bgcolor="0xFFFFFF" bgalpha="1.0" align="left" edge="center" x="0" bgroundedge="8" width="10" height="10" />
    					<layer name="skin_video_time" type="text" align="rightbottom" x="4" enabled="false" bg="false" css="calc:skin_settings.design_text_css + ' text-align:left; font-style:italic; font-size:14px;'" txtshadow="get:skin_settings.design_text_txtshadow" html="0:00 / 0:00" />

    I was not good at English, so I used a translator.

  • Do you need to show only the name of the entire tour?

    Only the titles enabled should be displayed.

    Both should be displayed when using them.

    <krpano version="1.21.2" title="AAA" renderer="webgl">
    <scene name="scene_0001" title="BBB" onstart="select_box_item(scene_0001)" thumburl="panos/0001.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="36.83191667" lng="127.95983333" alt="213.60" heading="0.0" group="group_01">

    AAA-BBB or AAA or BBB

    It doesn't have to be marked as -0 on the letter.

  • Hi,
    In the vtourskin there is an action: skin_update_scene_infos

    You need to be here:

    			global.title + ' - ' + scene[get(xml.scene)].title); 
    		copy(layer[skin_title].html, scene[get(xml.scene)].title ); 
        delayedcall(0.1, set(layer[skin_title].visible,true) );


    You can do AAA-BBB. or AAA or BBB or nothing

    Bit dirty but should work.

    Hope it helps,

  • onair0410 May 26, 2024 at 4:04 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “I want to modify the title.” to “[Resolved] I want to modify the title.”.

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