How to make multi-scene tour with flat panos

  • When I process a single wide, short flat pano with flat.config, the result shows the full width of the pano.

    Now I want to make a tour containing several such panos. I can do this with a modification of vtour_multires.config that specifies panotype=flat and omits hfov=360. However in the tour, the panos are always scaled to fill the screen area vertically, so that it is not possible to see the full width.

    I have tried including in tour.xml the script 'flatpano_setup.xml', and removing from the <scene> blocks all code except what is needed to specify the pano and the preview. But the problem persists.

  • Code
    <scene name="scene_maqueta" title="maqueta" onstart="" thumburl="panos/maqueta.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="" lng="" heading="">
            <control bouncinglimits="calc:image.cube ? true : false" />
            <view hlookat="0.0" vlookat="0.0" fovtype="MFOV" fov="120" maxpixelzoom="2.0" fovmin="70" fovmax="140" limitview="fullrange" />
            <preview url="panos/maqueta.tiles/preview.jpg" />
            <image hfov="1.00" vfov="0.135860" voffset="0.00">
                <flat url="panos/maqueta.tiles/l%l/%00v/l%l_%00v_%00h.jpg" multires="512,4608x626,8960x1218,17920x2436,35840x4870,71680x9738" />
  • I have <view ... limitview="fullrange"/> in each scene as well as in the setup script.

    But I am still seeing each pano scaled to window height. There must be some other adjustment. Bear in mind that that the main skin is the standard vtourskin.xml.

  • I have <view ... limitview="fullrange"/> in each scene as well as in the setup script.

    But I am still seeing each pano scaled to window height. There must be some other adjustment. Bear in mind that that the main skin is the standard vtourskin.xml.

    I think you should post a link to your project. Also share the .xml so I can help you. Did you see the .xml I posted? Does your project's .xml look similar? What version of krpano do you use?

  • I have gotten the desired result by processing the panos with vtour_multires_nocube.config and editing just the <scene> block in tour.xml, without including any other xml. In this case, as Klaus has stated, just limitview="fullrange" is enough.

    The tool decided that some panos were cylindrical rather than flat, so I made a modified config file with 'panotype=flat' in place of 'panotype=autodetect,flat', and that one gives all flat panos. It would be good if the tool would automatically set limitview to fullrange in this case; but editing those lines by hand is not so bad.

    This time I left 'hfov=360' in the config file. Before, I had removed that line because I thought it would conflict with viewing flat panos. That mistake apparently caused the problem I have been complaining about.

    I guess the lesson here is "keep it simple, stupid".

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