Hello, friends. Is it possible to write a hotspot to the line: "if (krpano.hoveringelement)", for example, with the hotspot "hs1". So that there is something like: "if (krpano.hoveringelement.hs1)" and the function works if you only point at the hotspot "hs1". Here is the function itself:
function renderloop()
if (krpano.hoveringelement)
hit = krpano.actions.screentodepth(krpano.mouse.x, krpano.mouse.y);
mouse3d.alpha = 1;
mouse3d.rx = hit.rx;
mouse3d.ry = hit.ry;
mouse3d.rz = hit.rz;
mouse3d.tx = hit.x;
mouse3d.ty = hit.y;
mouse3d.tz = hit.z;
mouse3d.rotationorder = "zxy";
normal.alpha = 1;
normal.points3d = [hit.x, hit.y, hit.z, hit.x + normal_l*hit.nx, hit.y + normal_l*hit.ny, hit.z + normal_l*hit.nz].join(",");
mouse3d.alpha = 0;
mouse3d.alpha = normal.alpha = 0;
hit = null;
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