problem with zooming along with dragging on mobile

  • Hello

    I have been trying for a long time to fix the problem with zooming along with dragging on mobile.

    I have this code that zoom and drag work well on my PC, but only drag works on my mobile and when I try to zoom it always reacts to the panorama.

    3d inšpekcia s fotogalériou

    <preview type="grid(cube,64,64,512,0xCCCCCC,0xF6F6F6,0x999999);"/>

    <!-- hidden image layer -->
    <layer name="image" url="" scale="0.2" align="center" edge="center" visible="false"
    onover="set(iszoom, true); set(startzoom, true); copy(copy_mousefovchange, control.mousefovchange); copy(copy_touchzoom, control.touchzoom); set(control.mousefovchange, 0); set(control.touchzoom, false);"
    onout="set(iszoom, false); copy(control.mousefovchange, copy_mousefovchange); copy(control.touchzoom, copy_touchzoom);"
    ondown.touch="onover();" onup.touch="onout();"
    ondown="start_dragging();" onup="stop_dragging();">

    <!-- Close button inside the image layer -->
    <layer name="close_button" type="container" url="images/x.png" align="righttop" edge="righttop" x="10" y="10" scale="5" alpha="1" visible="true"
    onover="set(layer[close_button].url, 'images/xr.png');"
    onout="set(layer[close_button].url, 'images/x.png');"
    onclick="set(layer[image].visible, false);"

    <!-- mouse wheel event for zooming -->
    <events name="image_zoom_events" onmousewheel="image_onmousewheel();" ontouchmove="image_ontouchmove();"/>

    <!-- action for zooming either via the mouse wheel or via touch gestures -->
    <action name="image_onmousewheel">
    if(layer[image].visible, if(iszoom,
    if(wheeldelta_touchscale GT 0,
    <!-- touch zoom -->
    if(startzoom, set(startzoom, false); copy(start_wheeldelta_touchscale, wheeldelta_touchscale); copy(start_imagescale, layer[image].scale); );
    div(tmp, wheeldelta_touchscale, start_wheeldelta_touchscale);
    mul(layer[image].scale, start_imagescale, tmp);
    <!-- mouse wheel zoom -->
    mul(sit, get(wheeldelta), 0.05);
    mul(sit, layer[image].scale);
    add(layer[image].scale, sit);

    <!-- action for touch gestures zooming -->
    <action name="image_ontouchmove">
    if(layer[image].visible, if(iszoom,
    if(touchscale GT 0,
    if(startzoom, set(startzoom, false); copy(start_touchscale, touchscale); copy(start_imagescale, layer[image].scale); );
    div(tmp, touchscale, start_touchscale);
    mul(layer[image].scale, start_imagescale, tmp);

    <!-- the action for dragging the image -->
    <action name="start_dragging">
    set(pressed, true);
    layer[image].x += mouse.dx;
    layer[image].y += mouse.dy;

    <action name="stop_dragging">
    set(pressed, false);

    <!-- hotspot that shows the first image on click -->
    <hotspot name="DJI_0480" url="thumb/DJI_0480.jpg" ath="0" atv="0" align="righttop" edge="righttop" onclick="set(layer[image].url, 'camera/DJI_0480.jpg'); set(layer[image].visible, true);"/>
    <!-- hotspot that shows the second image on click -->
    <hotspot name="DJI_0481" url="thumb/DJI_0614.jpg" ath="0" atv="180" align="leftbottom" edge="leftbottom" onclick="set(layer[image].url, 'camera/DJI_0614.jpg'); set(layer[image].visible, true);"/>

    thanks in advance for the advice

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