the syntax. assign a value
Hi San,
Do you meanbutton.dog = 'labrador';
Hi San,
Do you meanbutton.dog = 'labrador';
Hi Tuur!
example test(screenshot, x, 50);
<action name="test" scope="local" args="name, atr, val" >
button = layer[*name];
button[*atr] = val;
I need to get
trace(layer[screenshot].x); // 50
<action name="bla" scope="local" args="n,a,v">
b = layer[*n];
b2 = 'b.'+a;
<action name="bla" scope="local" args="n,a,v">
b='layer[*n].' + a;
calc(*b, v);
or perhaps<action name="bla" type="js">
let h = args[1];
let a = args[2];
let v = args[3];
let b = 'layer['+h+'].' + a;
krpano.set(b, v);
</action>And call: bla('screenshot', 'x',50);
..on holiday now.. should be good or close though.
Tuur -
should work, doesn't it ?
Attribute between []..?Edit:
More sense would make:
bla('layer','screenshot', 'x',30);
<action name="bla" scope="local" args="t,n,a,v">
b=t+'[*n].' + a;
calc(*b, v);
</action>Then you can do a lot with just calling the 'bla' action
yes, this is a simplified example and it doesn't make sense, but my code needs this mechanism itself.
button[*attr] = val; It doesn't work
b2 = 'b.'+a;
calc(*b2,v);It seems to be working, oddly enough
It's not odd!
You guys put the attribute in the place of the name.
bla('layer','screenshot', 'x',30);
<action name="bla" scope="local" args="t,n,a,v">
b=t+'[*n].' + a;
*b = v;
short excurse :
op = { attr: 5 }; // simple object with attribute
console.log(op.attr); // 5 (dot notation)
console.log(op["attr"]); // 5 (bracket notation, quotes needed)
maybe that works : button["*attr"] = val;
hm.. probably not, because "*attr" doesnt get resolved .-)
invalid array access!
short excurse :
op = { attr: 5 }; // simple object with attribute
console.log(op.attr); // 5 (dot notation)
console.log(op["attr"]); // 5 (bracket notation, quotes needed)
maybe that works : button["*attr"] = val;
hm.. probably not, because "*attr" doesnt get resolved .-)
yes, but it's js.
I wanted to understand how to write it in krpano
I tried button["*attr"] = val; and it doesn't work for me. -
button[get(attribute)] = value;
doesnt work because the quotes " are missing
button["*attr"] = val;
doesn't work because "*attr" is taken as string and doesn't get resolved by krpano
button[calc('"' + attribute + '"')] = value;
this should work, but is less elegant than tuurs solution
<action name="bla" type="js">
let n = args[1];
let a = args[2];
let v = args[3];
let b = 'hotspot['+n+']';
krpano.set(b+'.' + a, v);
</action>I like eric's one ^ better though!
Thank you all for your help!
but it's good when you understand them!
- Official Post
here another possibility as one-liner:
The ('button.'+attribute) gets evaluated as expression and its result then is used as argument for the set() call.
Notes the other suggestions from above - using array indices [] for addressing attributes doesn't work in krpano action code, that's Javascript syntax.
Best regards,
Klaus -
here another possibility as one-liner:
The ('button.'+attribute) gets evaluated as expression and its result then is used as argument for the set() call.
Notes the other suggestions from above - using array indices [] for addressing attributes doesn't work in krpano action code, that's Javascript syntax.
Best regards,
KlausHi,Klaus! Thank you for the information!
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