i have the following svg,
which looks terrible (antialiasing) when used in a layer and displayed in a small size (height 45px)
does anybody know how to fix this ?
in kprano? in the svg?
best, index
<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 718" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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<g fill="#fff">
<path d="M103 76h812c7-1 13 0 19 4 8 6 12 16 11 25v500c1 8 0 16-4 22-4 8-13 13-22 13H107c-11 0-21-6-25-16-2-5-3-11-3-16V104c0-13 10-26 24-28m42 50v465h139c22 0 44 1 66-3a152 152 0 0 0 127-94c16-38 22-80 23-122 0-23 0-46-3-69-4-37-14-74-34-106-16-25-40-45-67-56-26-11-54-15-81-15H145m404 0v465h146c22-1 43 1 65-2 21-3 41-8 60-17 24-11 45-29 58-53 11-20 15-43 15-65a102 102 0 0 0-42-82c-16-11-35-19-53-24l14-9c18-10 35-23 47-40 10-13 16-29 17-45 0-22-2-44-11-65-7-16-18-29-32-39-15-11-34-17-53-21-23-4-47-3-71-3H549z"/>
<path d="M660 198h40c16 1 33 5 46 16 11 10 16 25 16 39s-4 30-14 40a62 62 0 0 1-42 17h-45l-1-1V198zm-404 1c21 0 41-1 61 5 18 4 34 14 45 28 14 17 20 39 23 61a426 426 0 0 1 2 118c-3 21-8 41-17 60-7 13-17 24-29 32-10 6-21 10-32 12h-24l-29 1V199zm404 197h52c16 1 34 4 47 15 12 10 16 27 16 42 0 16-4 34-17 45-14 13-33 16-51 17h-47V396z"/>
adding small width/height attributes in the svg fixes the problem,
but then the svg looks bad at large sizes