hi, is it normal that loadxml() doesn't set the view ?
with this code the pano gets loaded fine but the view isn't set.
var xml;
xml = '<krpano>';
xml += '<preview url="./panos/example.tiles/preview.jpg" />';
xml += '<image>';
xml += '<cube url="./panos/example.tiles/%s/l%l/%v/l%l_%s_%v_%h.jpg" multires="512,640,1280,2624" />';
xml += '</image>';
xml += '<view vlookatmin="-87.5" vlookatmax="87.5" fovmin="60" fovmax="95" fovtype="MFOV”';
xml += ' maxpixelzoom="3" fisheye="0" limitview="lookat" hlookat="142" vlookat="24" />';
xml += '</krpano>';
krpano.actions.loadxml( xml, null, 'MERGE', 'BLEND(1)' );
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