I have a site with video alpha channels and with the most recent version of chrome and edge it will not load if alphachannel is set to SBS. A similar problem happens with the example on the KRPano website but reloading it sometimes fixes the problem and sometimes not. There's no issue with Firefox
This is the error that I see in the console. Does anybody have any idea what might be going wrong?
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'uniform4fv' on 'WebGLRenderingContext': The provided float value is non-finite.
at ac (eval at r (krpano1.21.2.js:6:368), <anonymous>:3:285179)
at U (eval at r (krpano1.21.2.js:6:368), <anonymous>:3:268397)
at ia.renderpano (eval at r (krpano1.21.2.js:6:368), <anonymous>:3:319099)
at Q.renderview (eval at r (krpano1.21.2.js:6:368), <anonymous>:3:190180)
at of (eval at r (krpano1.21.2.js:6:368), <anonymous>:3:41822)
at b (eval at r (krpano1.21.2.js:6:368), <anonymous>:3:433975)