Recent Chrome and Edge updates crash with hotspot alpha channels

  • I have a site with video alpha channels and with the most recent version of chrome and edge it will not load if alphachannel is set to SBS. A similar problem happens with the example on the KRPano website but reloading it sometimes fixes the problem and sometimes not. There's no issue with Firefox

    This is the error that I see in the console. Does anybody have any idea what might be going wrong?

    Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'uniform4fv' on 'WebGLRenderingContext': The provided float value is non-finite.
    at ac (eval at r (krpano1.21.2.js:6:368), <anonymous>:3:285179)
    at U (eval at r (krpano1.21.2.js:6:368), <anonymous>:3:268397)
    at ia.renderpano (eval at r (krpano1.21.2.js:6:368), <anonymous>:3:319099)
    at Q.renderview (eval at r (krpano1.21.2.js:6:368), <anonymous>:3:190180)
    at of (eval at r (krpano1.21.2.js:6:368), <anonymous>:3:41822)
    at b (eval at r (krpano1.21.2.js:6:368), <anonymous>:3:433975)

  • Currently, our Alpha Channel videos are experiencing the same phenomenon. After the Chrome update, we confirmed that it comes out in 128. version or higher fortunately, but Edge only plays the sound after the same error in the latest version

  • Hi,

    there are two bugs:

    1. one bug in krpano - when using the alphachannel=TB/SBS setting with videos, krpano wrong sends an invalid value to WebGL until the video is loaded and ready...

    2. and one bug in Chrome - even when the value is invalid, WebGL should silently ignore that invalid value and continue working. That means here the new Chrome release is buggy.

    There is already a Chrome Bugreport about this:
    and it seems that bug was already fixed and there should be soon a new and fixed Chrome release.

    The next krpano releases will have this also fixed.

    As manual workaround it would be possible to replace this:

    This delays the alphachannel setting until the video is ready and so bypasses this bug.

    Best regards,

  • <hotspot name="docent"



                onvideoready="set(hotspot[docent].alphachannel, 'TB')"


                loop="false" zorder="5000"





                ath="49.113" atv="8.8597" width="1920" height="1080" rx="4.5" ry="-15" scale="0.453" edge="center"



    Thank you, Klaus. That's how it worked out.*thumbsup*

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