krpano testing server issue

  • Hi, krpano testing server doesn't work:

    Error 404: Not Found

    File not found

    I dragged the folder to the Local Folder space and the address was generated. When clicking on its link, the error 404 appears.

    (Testing on Windows 10, 64 bits)

    Testing too with Local Host setting 8090 port: http://localhost:8090/ on Mozilla Firefox (120.0) and Edge (126.0.2592.81 -64bits-)

    Edited once, last by Fernando (November 29, 2024 at 5:20 AM).

  • I have also discovered an issue: on Windows computers, if the path of the parent folder contains too many Chinese characters (for example: 哈哈江苏省哈哈哈哈文化哈哈基地设计哈哈及哈哈, the project cannot be opened locally through “tour_testingserver.exe.”

    However, this problem does not exist on Mac computers, where the folder name can be as long as needed and the project can still open normally.

    If you need a 3D tour, feel free to contact me for panoramic image 3D tour production services and krpano secondary development. *smile*
    In addition, if you have development business in panoramic image platform, you can also contact me. I look forward to exchanging various application scenarios and exploring panorama applications with you.

    Our company is based in Shanghai, China and we have been engaged in panoramic business since 2017.

  • Update 2: The server does work with folders containing umlauts when I do the following

    1: drag & drop the parent folder of the folder containing an umlaut onto the server

    2: click on "http://localhost:8090"

    3: click on (navigate to) the folder with the umlaut

    4: click on the HTML file and the panorama shows up

    The exact same folder does not work when I drag & drop the HTML file onto the server. Maybe the drag & drop operation destroys the umlauts.


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