I'll start by stating that I'm very happy to see the release of KrPano 1.22. I upgraded my license this morning and tested updating one of my tours to 1.22.
I'm running into what seems to be some sluggishness in rendering the tiles. When traversing the hotspots I keep seeing "shadow" tiles from other scenes - These "shadow" tiles appear temporarly, and after loading they disappear. This makes things very disorienting. I do have stl depthmaps behind the scenes on the tour in question if that matters.
I've attached two photos showing the phenomena I'm trying to describe. These photos are taken with a few seconds interval without changing the view at all.
First we have the view immidately after I've "entered" the scene:
A few seconds later the correct scene loads and the tour looks normal:
This seems to happen both in chrome and firefox. I am serving the tour from the KrPano local test server. It seems to me that it gets worse as you click through more and more hotspots.
Come to think of it, it might be an issue with my "loadscene" action:
<action name="tour3d_loadscene" scope="local" args="scenename"> loadscene(get(scenename), null, MERGE|KEEPVIEW|KEEPMOVING, BLEND(1.0)); if (global.customtransition != 'SKIP', if(global.customtransition !== null, global.customtransition(); , tween(view.tx|view.ty|view.tz, calc(image.ox + '|' + image.oy + '|' + image.oz), 2.0, easeinoutsine); ); ); delete(global.customtransition); delete(global.customtransitiontime); </action>