When navigating through scenes, the loading of tiles is visible.

  • Hi. When navigating through scenes, a blurred panoramic image or partially blurred rectangles appear, which then disappear. There are more than 50 panoramas on my tour.

    I use one stl depth map for all panoramas. This is an example of the scene code:

        <scene name="scene_p_32" title="p_32" onstart="" thumburl="panos/p_32.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="" lng="" alt="" heading=""> 
            <control bouncinglimits="calc:image.cube ? true : false" />
            <view hlookat="0.0" vlookat="0.0" fovtype="MFOV" fov="120" maxpixelzoom="1.0" fovmin="85" fovmax="115" limitview="range"  />
            <preview url="panos/p_32.tiles/preview.jpg" />
                <cube url="panos/p_32.tiles/%s/l%l/%v/l%l_%s_%v_%h.jpg" multires="512,1024,2048,3840" />
                <depthmap url="models/model.stl"  enabled="true" rendermode="3dmodel" scale="100"  subdiv="10000"  />

    I tried to preload tiles of adjacent panoramas, but it is not a very good solution.
    How can this problem be solved?
    Does anyone have such problems and how do you solve them?

  • the blurred part you see is the preview image.

    it seems like your internet connection or your webserver is too slow.

    its a multires image, so that should not be the problem.

    maybe your stl is too large and influences the tile loading.

    make it as small as possible and convert it to depth


    I tried to preload tiles of adjacent panoramas, but it is not a very good solution.

    ps. wouldn't recommend that

  • You can try the hexahedral approach;

    If you need a 3D tour, feel free to contact me for panoramic image 3D tour production services and krpano secondary development. *smile*
    In addition, if you have development business in panoramic image platform, you can also contact me. I look forward to exchanging various application scenarios and exploring panorama applications with you.

    Our company is based in Shanghai, China and we have been engaged in panoramic business since 2017.

  • Will krpano be pre-loaded in the future?

    Many of our other projects do have this fuzzy-to-load effect;

    If you need a 3D tour, feel free to contact me for panoramic image 3D tour production services and krpano secondary development. *smile*
    In addition, if you have development business in panoramic image platform, you can also contact me. I look forward to exchanging various application scenarios and exploring panorama applications with you.

    Our company is based in Shanghai, China and we have been engaged in panoramic business since 2017.

  • Hi, indexofrefraction

    The size of the stl is 140kb, but I converted it to depth and got 27kb. But it did not affect the result. Unfortunately, I cannot show an example due to the customer's requirements. But I have another example, look at it works a little better, but with quick navigation you can also see blurred loading.
    In the example the code is as follows:

    <image style="style_3">
       <cube url="panos/30000.tiles/%s/l%l/%v/l%l_%s_%v_%h.jpg" multires="512,1024,2048,4096" />
       <depthmap url="%VIEWER%/models/3.stl.depth"  rendermode="3dmodel" enabled="true" scale="100"  subdiv="10000"  />
  • Are you sure it is not related do your internet connection? Even if I navigate as fast as I can I don't get any blurred tiles in your example.

    Yes, in the example on the PC there is practically none of this. It is noticeable on a mobile device. Unfortunately, I can't show the tour with the problem, there is a significant loading, but the principle of assembling the tour is almost the same, the only difference is that in the example depth is used for each scene separately. And in the problematic tour it is one, but it is only 30kb and the size could this be the reason... ?

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    according to your description I would assume that simply the loading of the tiles is slow in your case, maybe just a slow internet connection...

    To improve the loading speed, you can try decreasing the pano resolution, e.g. when using 3D-Models with depthmapping, the image.cubemapsize settings defines the resolution to load - and by using a lower value, lower res tiles can get loaded and this would be faster, e.g. try:

    <image ... cubemapsize.mobile="2048">

    Or as alternative use depthmap.rendermode="depthmap" - this mode support dynamic multi-resolution rendering and probably could quicker load some content to cover the blurred preview parts:

    <image ...>
      <depthmap rendermode="depthmap" ... />

    Or if you prefer to wait until everything is fully loaded, then add the PRELOAD flag to the loadscene call - then the whole pano gets loaded before starting the blending transition. But in this case it could be good to add some loading-message or animation to visualize that the loading is already happening:

    krpano.com - Documentation - Actions / Scripting Reference

    Best regards,

  • just FYI, 140 or 27kb is not a large model... that can't be the problem. mine are around 2mb...

    Yes, I also think that is not the reason, I suggest that he use the hexahedron way to cut the graph, maybe it will be faster. At the same time, the size of the panorama needs to be reduced;

    If you need a 3D tour, feel free to contact me for panoramic image 3D tour production services and krpano secondary development. *smile*
    In addition, if you have development business in panoramic image platform, you can also contact me. I look forward to exchanging various application scenarios and exploring panorama applications with you.

    Our company is based in Shanghai, China and we have been engaged in panoramic business since 2017.

  • Hi, Klaus! Thanks for the answer! The thing is that the tour is also on the customer's server and there is the same problem.
    I tried to set rendermode="depthmap" but artifacts appeared.

    This is my internet speed

    I understand that it is difficult to judge without an example and therefore I will try to make a separate example so that it can be shown.

    I am grateful to everyone who answered me! Thank you very much for your help, I appreciate it! *smile*

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