layer containing vtourskin.xml
the layer example shown here
here where?
welcome, but for help please explain more in detail.
best is always to post example code online, so that people can look at what you do.
Display Moresorry. I am attaching the code I am practicing. thank you => xml: responsive.xml =========================================================================== <krpano version="1.22" title="Virtual Tour"> <include url="skin/vtourskin.xml" /> <!-- customize skin settings: maps, gyro, webvr, thumbnails, tooltips, layout, design, ... --> <skin_settings maps="false" maps_type="google" maps_bing_api_key="" maps_google_api_key="" maps_zoombuttons="false" maps_loadonfirstuse="true" gyro="true" gyro_keeplookingdirection="false" webvr="true" webvr_keeplookingdirection="true" webvr_prev_next_hotspots="true" autotour="false" littleplanetintro="false" followmousecontrol="false" title="true" thumbs="true" thumbs_width="120" thumbs_height="80" thumbs_padding="10" thumbs_crop="0|40|240|160" thumbs_opened="false" thumbs_text="false" thumbs_dragging="true" thumbs_onhoverscrolling="false" thumbs_scrollbuttons="false" thumbs_scrollindicator="false" thumbs_loop="false" tooltips_buttons="false" tooltips_thumbs="false" tooltips_hotspots="false" tooltips_mapspots="false" deeplinking="false" loadscene_flags="MERGE" loadscene_blend="OPENBLEND(0.5, 0.0, 0.75, 0.05, linear)" loadscene_blend_prev="SLIDEBLEND(0.5, 180, 0.75, linear)" loadscene_blend_next="SLIDEBLEND(0.5, 0, 0.75, linear)" loadingtext="" layout_width="100%" layout_maxwidth="814" controlbar_width="-24" controlbar_height="40" controlbar_offset="20" controlbar_offset_closed="-40""10" controlbar_overlap.fractionalscaling="0" design_skin_images="vtourskin.png" design_bgcolor="0x2D3E50" design_bgalpha="0.8" design_bgborder="0" design_bgroundedge="1" design_bgshadow="0 4 10 0x000000 0.3" design_thumbborder_bgborder="3 0xFFFFFF 1.0" design_thumbborder_padding="2" design_thumbborder_bgroundedge="0" design_text_css="color:#FFFFFF; font-family:Arial;" design_text_shadow="1" /> <!-- For an alternative skin design either change the <skin_settings> values from above or optionally include one of the predefined designs from below. --> <!-- <include url="skin/vtourskin_design_flat_light.xml" /> --> <!-- <include url="skin/vtourskin_design_glass.xml" /> --> <!-- <include url="skin/vtourskin_design_ultra_light.xml" /> --> <!-- <include url="skin/vtourskin_design_117.xml" /> --> <!-- <include url="skin/vtourskin_design_117round.xml" /> --> <!-- <include url="skin/vtourskin_design_black.xml" /> --> <layer type="text" text.desktop="[span style='font-size:20px;font-weight:bold;']Responsive Layers Examples[/span][br]Resize the Browser Window""[span style='font-size:20px;font-weight:bold;']Responsive Layers Examples[/span][br]Rotate the Device" css="color:white; text-align:center; font-size:14px; line-height:150%;" txtshadow="0 1 2 0x000000 1.0" align="top" y="100" enabled="false" bgalpha="0" zorder="2" /> <layer type="text" template="Size: {{stagewidth}} x {{stageheight}}" css="color:white; font-size:16px; font-weight:bold;" txtshadow="0 1 2 0x000000 1.0" align="center" enabled="false" bgalpha="0" zorder="1" /> <!-- Example 1: Change the scale automatically depending on the window width in two steps. --> <layer url="krpano.svg" align="right" x="10" y="-160" scale="link:stagewidth:stagewidth LT 700 ? 0.5 : 1.0" /> <!-- Example 2: Change the scale automatically depending on the window width in three steps. --> <layer url="krpano.svg" align="right" x="10" y="-80" scale="link:stagewidth:stagewidth LT 500 ? 0.5 : (stagewidth LT 800 ? 0.7 : 1.0)" /> <!-- Example 3: Change the scale relative to the window width within given limits. --> <layer url="krpano.svg" align="right" x="10" y="0" scale="link:stagewidth:clamp(stagewidth / 1000, 0.5, 2.0)" /> <!-- Example 4: Change the scale using the onresize event. --> <layer name="case4" url="krpano.svg" align="right" x="10" y="+80" scale="1.0" /> <events name="case4" keep="true" onresize="case4_onresize()" /> <action name="case4_onresize"> layer[case4].scale = stagewidth LT 600 ? 0.5 : 1.0; </action> <!-- Example 5: Change the scale animated using the onresize event. --> <layer name="case5" url="krpano.svg" align="right" x="10" y="+160" scale="1.0" /> <events name="case5" keep="true" onresize="case5_onresize()" /> <action name="case5_onresize"> tween(layer[case5].scale, (stagewidth LT 600 ? 0.5 : 1.0)); </action> <!-- Example 6: Make elements visible depending on portrait or landscape mode. --> <layer type="text" text="This element is only visible in landscape mode." width="180" css="color:white;" padding="8" bgcolor="0x00000" bgalpha="0.5" bgblur="5" align="leftbottom" x="10" y="10" visible="link:event.onresize:stagewidth GT stageheight" /> <layer type="text" text="This element is only visible in portrait mode." width="180" css="color:white;" padding="8" bgcolor="0x00000" bgalpha="0.5" bgblur="5" align="lefttop" x="10" y="10" visible="link:event.onresize:stagewidth LT stageheight" /> <!-- Example 7: Select three different layouts depending on the window width. --> <layer name="case7_info" type="text" css="color:white;" txtshadow="0 1 2 0x000000 1.0" align="left" x="20" enabled="false" bgalpha="0" zorder="2" /> <events name="case7" keep="true" onresize="case7_onresize()" /> <!-- Layout 1: <600, Layout 2: 600-1000, Layout 3: >1000 --> <action name="case7_onresize" scope="private:CASE7"> newlayout = global.stagewidth LT 600 ? 1 : (global.stagewidth LT 1000 ? 2 : 3); if(newlayout != oldlayout, oldlayout = newlayout; case7_setup_layout(get(newlayout)); ); </action> <action name="case7_setup_layout" scope="local" args="layout"> if(layout == 1, // do several layout settings here... layer[case7_info].text = "Layout 1: Small"; ,layout == 2, // do several layout settings here... layer[case7_info].text = "Layout 2: Middle"; ,layout == 3, // do several layout settings here... layer[case7_info].text = "Layout 3: Large"; ); </action> <scene name="scene_013" title="013" onstart="" thumburl="panos/013.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="" lng="" alt="" heading=""> <control bouncinglimits="calc:image.cube ? true : false" /> <view hlookat="0.0" vlookat="0.0" fovtype="MFOV" fov="120" maxpixelzoom="2.0" fovmin="70" fovmax="140" limitview="auto" /> <preview url="panos/013.tiles/preview.jpg" /> <image> <cube url="panos/013.tiles/%s/l%l/%v/l%l_%s_%v_%h.jpg" multires="512,640,1280,2560" /> </image> </scene> <scene name="scene_014" title="014" onstart="" thumburl="panos/014.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="" lng="" alt="" heading=""> <control bouncinglimits="calc:image.cube ? true : false" /> <view hlookat="0.0" vlookat="0.0" fovtype="MFOV" fov="120" maxpixelzoom="2.0" fovmin="70" fovmax="140" limitview="auto" /> <preview url="panos/014.tiles/preview.jpg" /> <image> <cube url="panos/014.tiles/%s/l%l/%v/l%l_%s_%v_%h.jpg" multires="512,640,1280,2560" /> </image> </scene> </krpano>
Ok, without checking in detail ...
layers / hotspots have a keep attribute.
if this is not set to true (keep="true")
the layer / hotspot is removed when a new scene is loaded
this allows to define things inside the scene, which are unloaded when switching to the next scene
in your code you define them globally (outside the scenes)
which probably means, you want them present for the whole tour
that would need the said keep="true"
documentation here :
The problem was well resolved with the correct answer.
Thank you so much for your reply.
have a happy day...
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