Changing video file in plugin

  • Hi guys

    Just wondering if there is a way to code a change in video want to create a panorama with a remote control at the side to change the channel/video showing on screen can think of a few possibilities perhaps tweening or action call but can't seem to get anything to work yet....

    Anyone have any ideas?


  • Hi again sorry found the code so that's that problem however there seems to be a bit of a problem with it

    <action name="playothervideo">

    as when the pano loads for the first time the video doesn't seem to want to appear then after a while it does appear and the action works. V strange will try a few things as the action is in the main xml page as have multiple videos in multiple panos will try to put code with single pano xml file instead of main file to see if this makes a difference otherwise if anyone has had any similar issues would love to hear from you. *g*

  • Hi again am on a mission with this so have found the piece of code that I think is causing this to happen.

    By using the editor and options plugins I kept reloading the pano code as sometimes video loads sometimes not I then compared the two bits of code from the working/displayed video version to the non working one if that makes any sense.

    The problem seems to lie with the isvideoready value which on the working version reads isvideoready="true"

    and the non working version = isvideoready="false"

    I will try and set this manually to see if it works *g*

  • Ok have done some testing now and it seems that it might be a problem with the actual videoplayer not the action code as have taken the action code out and still sometimes the video doesn't load.

    I have the most recent version of the videoplayer so I know it's not that there must be another issue.

    it seems that once the video has played through its normal time it seems to then load ok even though it is initially not viewable I still have some testing to do as the video I'm loading is MP4 I'll try this with a flv to see if I have the same issues at all.

    As a workaround am thinking of creating little 321 video that initiallly loads with a loadcomplete function that then loads the first choice of video but would rather not do this.

    update ok have tested .flv instead of .mp4 and doesn't seem to be an issue better functionality with this think my workaround will therefore be initial video .flv then subsequently loaded videos can be mp4 like the mp4 codec as can get vids really small with great quality. *thumbup*


  • Ok so I've put all my vids in I've created my controller everythings wicked but now if I change the channel on the TV I can't then click on a hotspot to move onto the next panorama in the tour.

    Also when checking the code using the editor although the video playing has changed nothing seems to changed in the current xml with regard to video filenames.

    I am so close with this now
    code for this pano is as follows

    <krpano version="1.0.8">
    <plugin name="editor" url="editor.swf" />
    <plugin name="options" url="options.swf" />
    <events onloadcomplete="plugin[combobox].selectitem(Upper Lobby);"/>
    <view fisheye="0" limitview="lookat" vlookatmin="-90" vlookatmax="30" fovmin="35" fovmax="90" fov="90" hlookat="-37" vlookat="0"/>
    <autorotate horizon="0" tofov="90"/>
    <action name="looktohome">lookto(-37,0,90);</action>
    <preview url="StanmerHousedata/StanmerHouse6/preview.jpg"/>
    <image type="CUBE" multires="true" tilesize="937" baseindex="0">
    <level tiledimagewidth="1873" tiledimageheight="1873">
    <left url="StanmerHousedata/StanmerHouse6/3/1/%v_%u.jpg"/>
    <front url="StanmerHousedata/StanmerHouse6/0/1/%v_%u.jpg"/>
    <right url="StanmerHousedata/StanmerHouse6/1/1/%v_%u.jpg"/>
    <back url="StanmerHousedata/StanmerHouse6/2/1/%v_%u.jpg"/>
    <up url="StanmerHousedata/StanmerHouse6/4/1/%v_%u.jpg"/>
    <down url="StanmerHousedata/StanmerHouse6/5/1/%v_%u.jpg"/>
    <level tiledimagewidth="937" tiledimageheight="937">
    <left url="StanmerHousedata/StanmerHouse6/3/0/%v_%u.jpg"/>
    <front url="StanmerHousedata/StanmerHouse6/0/0/%v_%u.jpg"/>
    <right url="StanmerHousedata/StanmerHouse6/1/0/%v_%u.jpg"/>
    <back url="StanmerHousedata/StanmerHouse6/2/0/%v_%u.jpg"/>
    <up url="StanmerHousedata/StanmerHouse6/4/0/%v_%u.jpg"/>
    <down url="StanmerHousedata/StanmerHouse6/5/0/%v_%u.jpg"/>
    <hotspot name="spot0" onclick="set(state,autoratate.enabled);set(autoratate.enabled,false);lookto(48.1008,24.9815,10,smooth(400,20,100));action(load14);lookat(40,0,90);wait(blend);lookto(-112,23,89.99,smooth(100,20,50));set(autoratate.enabled,state);" url="StanmerHousedata/spots/hotspot_ani.swf" ath="408.101" atv="24.9815"/>
    <hotspot name="spot1" onclick="set(state,autoratate.enabled);set(autoratate.enabled,false);lookto(-173.345,4.98152,10,smooth(400,20,100));action(load7);lookat(-74,0,90);wait(blend);lookto(-74,0,89.99,smooth(100,20,50));set(autoratate.enabled,state);" url="StanmerHousedata/spots/hotspot_ani.swf" ath="186.655" atv="4.98152"/>
    <hotspot name="video1"
    onhover="if(ispaused, showtext(click to play), showtext(click to pause));"
    <plugin name="remote" url="StanmerHousedata/control.png" zorder="2" align="leftbottom" capture="false" x="10" y="10" handcursor="false" keep="false" visible="true"/>
    <plugin name="channel1" url="StanmerHousedata/buttons.jpg" zorder="6" align="leftbottom" edge="center" keep="false" x="47" y="125" visible="true" crop="0|0|40|40" onovercrop="0|40|40|40" ondowncrop="0|80|40|40" blendmode="screen" onhover="showtext(Xbox Channel,smalltext);" onclick="playvideo(xbox.flv);"/>
    <plugin name="channel2" url="StanmerHousedata/buttons.jpg" zorder="6" align="leftbottom" edge="center" keep="false" x="82" y="124" visible="true" crop="40|0|40|40" onovercrop="40|40|40|40" ondowncrop="40|80|40|40" blendmode="screen" onhover="showtext(Guiness Channel,smalltext);" onclick="action(load17);"/>
    <plugin name="channel3" url="StanmerHousedata/buttons.jpg" zorder="6" align="leftbottom" edge="center" keep="false" x="117" y="124" visible="true" crop="80|0|40|40" onovercrop="80|40|40|40" ondowncrop="80|80|40|40" blendmode="screen" onhover="showtext(Guitar Hero Channel,smalltext);" onclick="action(load18);" />
    <plugin name="channel4" url="StanmerHousedata/buttons.jpg" zorder="6" align="leftbottom" edge="center" keep="false" x="152" y="124" visible="true" crop="120|0|40|40" onovercrop="120|40|40|40" ondowncrop="120|80|40|40" blendmode="screen" onhover="showtext(Coca Cola Channel,smalltext);" onclick="action(load19);" />
    <plugin name="channel5" url="StanmerHousedata/buttons.jpg" zorder="6" align="leftbottom" edge="center" keep="false" x="81" y="91" visible="true" crop="160|0|40|40" onovercrop="160|40|40|40" ondowncrop="160|80|40|40" blendmode="screen" onhover="showtext(Virgin Channel,smalltext);" onclick="action(load20);" />
    <plugin name="channel6" url="StanmerHousedata/buttons.jpg" zorder="6" align="leftbottom" edge="center" keep="false" x="116" y="91" visible="true" crop="200|0|40|40" onovercrop="200|40|40|40" ondowncrop="200|80|40|40" blendmode="screen" onhover="showtext(Timelapse Channel,smalltext);" onclick="action(load21);" />
    <plugin name="volup" url="StanmerHousedata/buttons.jpg" zorder="6" align="leftbottom" edge="center" keep="false" x="155" y="78" visible="true" crop="240|0|40|40" onovercrop="240|40|40|40" ondowncrop="240|80|40|40" blendmode="screen" onhover="showtext(Turnup Volume,smalltext);" />
    <plugin name="voldown" url="StanmerHousedata/buttons.jpg" zorder="6" align="leftbottom" edge="center" keep="false" x="155" y="45" visible="true" crop="280|0|40|40" onovercrop="280|40|40|40" ondowncrop="280|80|40|40" blendmode="screen" onhover="showtext(Turndown Volume,smalltext);" />
    <plugin name="power" url="StanmerHousedata/buttons.jpg" zorder="6" align="leftbottom" edge="center" keep="false" x="40" y="41" visible="true" crop="320|0|40|40" onovercrop="320|40|40|40" ondowncrop="320|80|40|40" blendmode="screen" onhover="showtext(Power,smalltext);" />
    <action name="load16">
    <action name="load17">
    <action name="load18">
    <action name="load19">
    <action name="load20">
    <action name="load21">


  • Hi,


    if I change the channel on the TV I can't then click on a hotspot to move onto the next panorama in the tour.

    you are calling a "load14" action on the hotspot,
    was it declared? in the posted xml it is not included....


    Also when checking the code using the editor although the video playing has changed nothing seems to changed in the current xml with regard to video filenames.

    the xml itself will be not be updated on the playvideo() call,

    beside of this - there are small errors in the code:
    e.g. here:


    the correct name is "autorotate",

    and to copy the value of "autorotate.enabled" to "state" - copy(var1,var2) - or - set(var1,get(var2)) must be used,


    best regards,

  • Hi Klaus Thank you for getting back to me

    The Load14 code is within the main XML file, the code posted was part of the xml code for one of the panoramas.

    All load14 does is run the loadpano command for a particular panorama.

    I have substituted the load 14 command with the loadpano command to test but to no avail the loadpano function simply doesn't work once the playvideo() call has run.

    The autorotate code was generated automatically with that error as I am using autopano giga tour and it seems to output that spelling mistake I'm not sure why. I don't in fact use this bit of code I just haven't got round to removing it. Appologies if it adds to the confusion.

    The main problem I'm having is that the playvideo() call seems to stop the loadpano call from functioning I have even tried placing breakall and stop commands in various places i the code to see if that helps but no joy as yet.

    My work around has been to include 6 videos which all load and stop causing the first frame to be paused with the initial loaded video not stopped.

    This seems to have other errors associated with it that I have identified in the buglist post.

    It would be great if I didn't need all the extra code however and also performance is a little slower due to having to load up 6 videos at once it helps that they are all stopped but still would be better if the playvideo() worked ok.

    Of course I understand that this is all Beta still.

    But if you do find a solution or have a code section that you find works for this type of action it would be appreciated.


  • Hi Klaus

    Sure thing sorry it's been delayed I've had to rewrite the old code for this one didn't take too long would really love it if you can get this to work as the workaround I've used loading all 6 vids is a bit download intensive even though I've heavily compressed all the clips.

    the link is

    The workaround I've done is at

    If you need Xml files for any of these just let me know

    As of writing this the test version was uploading still so haven't tested it yet but it should be up and running aok within the next half hour or so. *thumbsup*

  • Hi Klaus Just wondered if you had the chance to look at this yet

    I'm gonna have to change things on my workaround as all 6 vids loading at begining of this pano just uses up to much download time it would be great if they could just load on demand using the playvideo() command without the loadpano command not working.



  • So I've been contstantly on this as I need it to work it seems that I can get the loadpano cmmand to work

    loadpano(panoramic1.xml) .... this works

    loadpano(panoramic1.xml,null,null,BLEND(1)); .... doesn't work

    It seems to be something about the blend command any ideas anyone as I just keep inching closer I can see that finish line on the horizon


  • Ok for anyone who might be having the same problem as me or may be likely to until a permanent fix is found the workaround to this involves losing the blend pano effect from the loadpano() command bit of a comprimise but at least things work videos don't all load at once as in previous workaround which reduces processor load and download time significantly.

    I did this by applying an if statement to the adjacent loadpanos that if a particular video was playing not the original then load the next pano without the blend effect and bobs your uncle fannys your aunt it works yippeee but still would prefer the blend effect to actually work after running the playvideo() command.

    If anyone runs into anything similar finds a more permanent fix etc etc feel free to email me


    ZB *cool*

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