krpano have been released
First - here are the news, which I think were the most requested ones in the last days:
krpano is ready for the iPhone / iPad
To get krpano working there, I have written a complete new Javascript based viewer
(krpanoJS, the krpanoiphone.js).
It reads and parses the same xml files as the Flash based viewer. At the moment only a few subset is supported, but the plans are to extend it step by step to get also the most other features (actions, plugin images, hotspots) working there.
For displaying the panos the Apple Safari Wekbit 3D CSS extensions are used. They work currently only in the Mobile and Mac Safari Browsers. The possibilities with that 3D CSS are limited, so no little planet or fisheye effects are possible, but it's 'good enough' for displaying cubical panos.
And maybe if an alternative (real) 3D API will become available in the future (maybe WebGL), then it should be an easy step to replace just the rendering backend of the viewer.
More details about the iPhone/iPad viewer in the link above, and to test it - just visit the krpano webpage with your iPhone/iPad and watch the panos there.
Now back to krpano Flash viewer news:
- the beta state have been removed: 1.0.8
beta10 => - the main reason for the beta state was the not updated documentation, and my plans were to release the new documentation now together with this release, but unfortunately there were some unexpected delays during updating. So it was skipped again, but it's now ready to 90% and I hope to be able to release it next week.
- it's now possible to use multiple-frames together with multi-resolution:
- in the image urls there is the new %f placeholder for the current frame number
- and there is the image.frame variable for dynamically controlling the frame number
- this can be used for object movies - here an example
- or for panos like that - multi-frame-pano example
- new droplets for easy usage are included (MAKE OBJECT, MAKE MULTIFRAME)
- the swfkrpano.js and swfkrpanomousewheel.js scripts have been much improved,
now the mouse wheel should work correctly everywhere and also with different wmode settings. - there is a first, but still experimental interface, for loading krpano in other Flash applications
(see the included .fla example). - more details about the other news in the release notes file and especially also soon in the new documentation.
Some notes about the licenses:
- there was unfortunately too much confusion about the domain and tools licenses, so they were removed now to reduce the confusing hopefully, the old licenses will still work, they are just not available for purchasing anymore.
- the Unlimited Domain License have been renamed to krpano License.
Have fun!
best regards,