could this ever be done in krpano?
3d floor plans
I do not see anything there that krpano cant do, I may be wrong and if I am please correct me. The pseudo 3D navigation looks to be a 2d flash movie done using layers, it could also be 3d Studio max or any decent 3D application as well though. Nice site and really well done navigation, very impressive. Over 30 hot spots lead to panoramas through the navigation system and more panoramas are accessible through before/after buttons, a tremendous amount of work and really well shot too. After going through the entire tour a couple times now I think this actually was done with krpano.
Can't be positive but I'd be willing to bet a couple beers and lunch at a sandwich joint that it is.
Thanks for the link to a great tour.
i thought the same thing. it seemed to have a krpano feel to it. maybe we are wrong. they posted that link at panoguide trying to sell thier GUI and licensing. maybe it is not krpano wouldn't that be illegal? thier licensing is based on a per URL basis so I dont suspect many people will take it seriously. to bad the GUI seems like it might be solid.
I just saw the Panoguide posts a few minutes ago and came to update my post here, you beat me to it
. I still think there is nothing there that KrPano can't do already. It really does have a KrPano feel to it as you suggest although I am not sure what you are referring to is illegal though.
Its VtFusion player.
Beer ?
Just to clear things up, please, I'm not trying to advertise (Seem to get a ribbing whereever I go).
It is indeed fusionplayer. krpano was not used.
The pseudo 3D navigation is infact done in using Flash's 3D libraries so it's not 2D layers.
Licencing is no longer on a per URL basis.
Thank you. -
to day it is possible to have "pseudo 3D navigation" of floor html 5 compatible in other word with js plugin?
tHIS IS MY 3d FLOOR PLAN made 2 years ago:…tour/index.htmland yes, it would be nice to insert the plan inside the panorama player.....
interesting works!!! is it flash. if i sent 2d floor image-png, can you create something like i'll pay naturally!!!
Everything shown in above links is easily possible with a little knowledge of krpano-coding. There is absolutely no need for 3rd party-plugins or including something like this directly into the krpano-player
No offense, but all you need to know for creating a rotating 3d-map is in the krpano-documentation. Or you could use Andreys "object rotation" as a starting point
Best regards
Nupsi -
interesting works!!! is it flash. if i sent 2d floor image-png, can you create something like i'll pay naturally!!!
Hi Luca, I am not good as Andrey ,Umalo or Nupsi are in Krpano coding. Yes, my floor plan is Flash and in fact it is a 3Dobject with hotspots.
If I could help , but I can't . Not yet.
Marty -
Everything shown in above links is easily possible with a little knowledge of krpano-coding. There is absolutely no need for 3rd party-plugins or including something like this directly into the krpano-player
No offense, but all you need to know for creating a rotating 3d-map is in the krpano-documentation. Or you could use Andreys "object rotation" as a starting point
Best regards
Nupsihi, this link is an animation with interaction. i'd like the "bounce effect" when floors rotate. it isn't only a obeject rotator effect i think. so i'm finding someone to developer this effect.
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