Suggestions on building a tour using protected panoramas

  • Hey Guys,

    Hope this is in the right area, if not please move it.

    I am looking for some help in understanding the workings on how to build tours that use protected panoramas. I want to layout what i think I need to do and then have people tell me if its the way to do it or if I should do it some other way. I am trying to get a hnadle on Krpano from a tour perspective.

    So, lets say i have 10 360x180 panoramas that need to be on a web site with a map that people can click each one and it displays totally self contained with custom Google position maps and a little planet flyin etc.. Now each panorama is a single protected .swf file with everything needed embedded inside the .swf. It is placed in it's own directory with krpano.swf, the .js and the html page it is embedded in.

    So I have 10 directories one for each protected panorama and its support files, the .js, the krpano.swf and the html file. Now from looking at the documentation I gather that I can use an action to laod any of the .swf's into a playing panorama. Such as below in this example code.

    What I dont understand is does the new panorama embedded xml control everything the new panorama does or is there residual effects from the calling panorama? I take it this is where the keep command comes in?
    Also, can I use the blend feature when loading one .swf from another?

    I guess one thing I really am trying to understand how to do, is I want the panoramas to function one way when called individually and another when they are called from the tour and I dont know if this can be done from one protected .swf calling another and so on.

    is this feasable or am I going to have to keep everything unproteced and use load xml commands.

    Really hope this makes sense to you all, trying very hard to learn all this as fast as I can.

    Thanks very much in advance for any help.


  • As srisa wrote, you can use openurl to always reload everything, and when you use loadpano the viewer doesn't usually reload, so you can have persistent information and plugins (keep="true") among other things.

    Granted, I never tested loadpano with self-contained swf files, because I prefer not to use them - both for ease of maintenance (I have slow upload) and for usability reasons (some users have slow download).

    About keeping everything unprotected, note that you can use the krprotect encryption feature to encrypt your images even if they are not built into the swf, and then generate the swf with krprotect containing only the license file and possibly the xml, or any combination you want. As long as the swf was built with krprotect and only has permission to work on your domain, and your pictures are encrypted with the same license, you should be safe.

  • Thank you both for the responses.


    This is exactly what I needed to know so thank you very much. Ill go ahead and use the encryption method you laid out as that seems the best idea.

    Thanks again very much


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