can we preload a video,..i am using a buffer but still have problem with the video playing without stutters???
preload video
add preload="true" to your video plugin. it will make you see a black screen before the tour loads if the video is to large.
thanks vn,...i usaully have that,....i forgot to edit the code from APT,..thought I had it in there and was wondering if i needed to specifically preload it,..i guess the "preload" does that for us. Thanks for the reply, Working fine now.
rob -
add preload="true" to your video plugin. it will make you see a black screen before the tour loads if the video is to large.
I've search this issue for hours... Thank you! :)
Hello the preload="true" does not work for me at tis link, do somebody know why, thank you
Display More<plugin name="spot0object" zorder="2" url="videoplayer.swf" alturl="videoplayer.js" pausedonstart="false" loop="false" keep="true" videourl="spots/Eric_Chauvin_Intro_01.mp4" altvideourl="spots/Eric_Chauvin_Intro_01.mp4" align="center" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="prop" alpha="1" onclick="tween(volume,0.0,2);tween(alpha,0,5);delayedcall(10,set(visible,false))" onvideocomplete="tween(alpha,0,5);delayedcall(10,set(visible,false));set(volume,0.5);delayedcall(5,set(volume,0.1));delayedcall(8,set(volume,0.0));" capture="false" preload="true"/>
without preloading the videoplayer plugin, it is working?
best regards,
Klaus -
Hi Klaus what do you mean by preloading the video player exactly ? (how)
I would like precisely to replace the black preview image (the preload="true" works for it, it appears before anything else) with the video (plugin[intro]) but it doesn't work for me.
it only work onloadcomplete and i spend some introduce time.
I have seen a description from Michel but it doesn't work exactly as i would like, i don't want to see one second from the pano at beginning before my video.
is it possible to do that inside krpano.
Thank you
Display More<events onloadcomplete= "playsound2D(s1,spots/jeuxdeau.mp3,1.0,0.0,0); plugin[intro].play(); delayedcall(15,playvideobienvenu();tween(plugin[intro].alpha,0,7);set(plugin[intro].enabled,false);action(autotourintro););set(plugin[previewimage].enabled,false);tween(plugin[previewimage].alpha,0,1.3, easeInOutCubic);"/> <plugin name="previewimage" zorder="2" url="spots/previewimage.png" align="center" width="100%" height="100%" preload="true" /> <!-- videointro --> <plugin name="intro" zorder="1" url="videoplayer.swf" alturl="videoplayer.js" pausedonstart="true" volume="0" loop="false" keep="true" videourl="spots/Eric_Chauvin_Intro_v03.mp4" altvideourl="spots/Eric_Chauvin_Intro_v03.mp4" align="center" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="prop" alpha="1" onclick= "tween(alpha,0,3);set(enable,false); delayedcall(3,stop()); tween(sound[s1].volume,0.05,5,easeInOutCubic); action(playvideobienvenu); set(stepintro,1); action(autotourintro); set(plugin[previewimage].enabled,false); tween(plugin[previewimage].alpha,0,1, easeInOutCubic);" onvideocomplete="delayedcall(3,tween(sound[s1].volume,0.05,2,easeInOutCubic));set(visible,false);set(enabled,false);" capture="false" preload="true"/>
I tried again with krpano tools and just this code and it works perfectly
sorry and thank you
Display More<krpano version="" onstart="delayedcall(2,startup();)"> <!-- vtour.xml template krpano tools version --> s <!-- videointro --> <plugin name="intro" zorder="1" url="videoplayer.swf" zorder="4" alturl="videoplayer.js" pausedonstart="false" volume="0.7" loop="false" keep="true" videourl="spots/Eric_Chauvin_Intro_v03.mp4" altvideourl="spots/Eric_Chauvin_Intro_v03.mp4" align="center" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="prop" alpha="1" onclick= "tween(alpha,0,3);set(enable,false); delayedcall(3,stop()); tween(sound[s1].volume,0.05,5,easeInOutCubic); action(playvideobienvenu); set(stepintro,1); action(autotourintro); set(plugin[previewimage].enabled,false); tween(plugin[previewimage].alpha,0,1, easeInOutCubic);" onvideocomplete="delayedcall(3,tween(sound[s1].volume,0.05,2,easeInOutCubic));set(visible,false);set(enabled,false);" capture="false" preload="true"/>
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