I am trying to install this Plugin but I can´t get it to work. Can someone please post a SAMPLE CONFIGURATION + TELL ME WHICH FILES MUST BE COPIED TO WHICH LOCATION. That would be nice.
I am trying to install this Plugin but I can´t get it to work. Can someone please post a SAMPLE CONFIGURATION + TELL ME WHICH FILES MUST BE COPIED TO WHICH LOCATION. That would be nice.
if you post a sample link I am sure we can help you.
you only need to copy the as3Thumbsforkrpano.swf and the gallery1.xml to the folder where krpano.swf is
then include the plugin as any other with the url like this
but like I said if you post an URL with your problem it would be much quicker and easier to help you
Thanks Shanti i got it!
But there are a few other questions ... hope you can give me some answers to my questions. Please see my added screenshot.
1. if i hover the thumbs they scale themselfs -> where to change that (no scaling, just moving right-left and back)?
2. the thumb of the active/loaded panorama is darker than the other ones -> where to change that?
3. i want the "<pic> <about></about>" text to show underneath each image -> how to realize that
4. i want all the thumbs (thumbboard, pls see screenshot) to have always a width of 100%
5. i want a button one can click and the (thumbboard, pls see screenshot) should slide out downwards
ok, i fixed question 1 and 2 but 3, 4 and 5 are still not solved. Anyone a solution for my probs?
Once again here they are ...
3. i want the "<pic> <about></about>" text to show underneath each image -> how to realize that
4. i want all the thumbs (thumbboard, pls see screenshot) to have always a width of 100%
5. i want a button one can click and the (thumbboard, pls see screenshot) should slide out downwards
3 should be done with the options, if you read the included readme.txt file you should se this
<textOffsetX> will set the Text on the X (Horizontal)position
<textOffsetY> will set the Text on the Y (Vertical) position
so in the options, play with this offsets to set the text anywhere on the krpano stage, and make sure you are using rev 7 posted here and not rev2 that is posted on the plugins page.
number 4 can also be fixed using the options:
<thumbW>140</thumbW> change 140 to the width of your thumbs in pixels
<thumbH>70</thumbH> change this to the height of your thumbs in pixels
I am afraid number 5 can't be done at the moment
Hope it helps
You show a 'thumboard' in your example - how is that done?
Display More3 should be done with the options, if you read the included readme.txt file you should se this
<textOffsetX> will set the Text on the X (Horizontal)position
<textOffsetY> will set the Text on the Y (Vertical) positionso in the options, play with this offsets to set the text anywhere on the krpano stage, and make sure you are using rev 7 posted here and not rev2 that is posted on the plugins page.
number 4 can also be fixed using the options:
<thumbW>140</thumbW> change 140 to the width of your thumbs in pixels
<thumbH>70</thumbH> change this to the height of your thumbs in pixels
I am afraid number 5 can't be done at the moment
Hope it helps
not at all :)
i´ve read it but you don´t get me right ... i want to set this position for EACH IMAGE. I want to specify that not under the <thumboptions> for all images to be the same position. i want to do that for each image under <pic>.
no i want ALL THE IMAGEs together be 100% of the stage, even if i scale the stage.
then, no, and no
the width of the track is defined by how many thumbs you want to display at the same time using the <ShownThumbs> option
and the text just displays for the mouse over each thumb, sorry.
I am sure it can be done, but I don't have much time ATM, and doing other changes to the plugin right now.
so I guess you could give it a try, the source is included
ok thanks, lets see what i can do ... :)
I got this error message from my tour :
ArgumentError: Error #2025: Il valore fornito per DisplayObject deve essere un elemento secondario del chiamante.
at flash.display::Loader/_load()
at flash.display::Loader/load()
at as3Thumbsforkrpano_fla::MainTimeline/loadThumbs()
at as3Thumbsforkrpano_fla::MainTimeline/thumbLoaded()
I can't read italian, but that seems to be a thumb not found error.
do you have a url so that I can see it?
Hi everyone, and first I want to thanks shanti for this precious plugin.
It works perfectly but as i made few images in a town , i tried to insert googlemaps plugin, it works fine with the first spot but if i want to insert several spots on the maps in order to display the correct position of the pano on the screen, only the first one remain active and in green.
When we visit each image, the first spot remain in green and the others remain in blue. I tried to insert different active points in the different xml of each image but nothing happens.
So haw can i do to assign a different posititon to each pano when it loads ?
Hope you understand my question, because it's not really easy to explain it in english for me.
Pelican2a, do you have a url so I can see?
basically what you need to call from the thumbnails is the action you use for the google maps plugin.
<spot name="s1" lat="20.6085793" lng="-105.23542464"
onhover="showtext(Presidencia at night);"
<action name="s1">
Display More
the thumbanil will call the s1 action..
hope that helps :)
i have the feeling that the scrolling thumbnaisl plugin doesn't work on beta 8... is that right???
Tuur; have you tested it? I haven't but I will soon...
if it doesn't work, I guess its time for a new version :P with all the requested features... well just one really :)
No it's ok
mmm then i don't understand why mine is not working...
Edit (tour is underconstruction) in progress ..thanx to Shanti, job1 and everybody
Your swf and xml don't load
yes i see... but it's there..
i put the gallery1.xml in the tour map and the as3..swf in the plugins map..
changed some url's ...
i thought that should work..
i have the feeling that i forget something...
even when i put in the full url it doesn't work...
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