• Well guys this scroller is kinda old, and the code is really a mess, I have been searching for other components to adapt for Krpano such as this one


    that one offers a lot more options already built in and it should be easy to adapt (hopefully) so if anyone is interested I can give it a shot, I haven't had a lot of free time lately but I think Krpano needs a better thumbnail scroller than mine :)

    what do you guys think?

  • Hello !

    I just updated the plugin with the 18March2009_rev2 and the font is incorrect (cowbow one...)

    Aside of this, I updated because I got a position issue: the thumbs are not at the very bottom of the pano... there are floating at twice their size... How to place them where we want ?

    And the worst: if I don't force "align='bottomleft'", the plugin is displayed at the top of my pano... ? *cry*

    example: http://www.serveurphotos2.free.fr/RoseBleue/poterie.swf
    (poterie.xml, slidder.xml)

    Best regards,


    « Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur »
    Pentax stuff.

  • I am using Autopano to create the basic tours. I have the gallery.xml file working to where the thumbs are showing on the opening tour image. But I cannot figure out how to make the thumb image link to the next tour. Does anybody have experience with this? I sure could use some help getting the links to work. Below is my gallery.xml with the linking not working:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <font_type>Wide Latin</font_type>

    <about><![CDATA[Living Room]]></about>



    In case it will help here is a screen shot of the directory structure:



    Edited 2 times, last by planetmango (May 27, 2010 at 4:16 AM).

  • Well guys this scroller is kinda old, and the code is really a mess, I have been searching for other components to adapt for Krpano such as this one


    that one offers a lot more options already built in and it should be easy to adapt (hopefully) so if anyone is interested I can give it a shot, I haven't had a lot of free time lately but I think Krpano needs a better thumbnail scroller than mine :)

    what do you guys think?

    Shanti - that looks fantastic! Have you had time to work on it yet?



  • Hello,
    I have a problem loading the XML file, everything looks just fine, but i have when i clic on the thums it doesent load de xml file.

    This is the error that appears.

    "Warning: action not found: loadpano"

    This is the code from the GALLERY

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>








    <krpano version="1.0.8">

    <!-- as3Thumbsforkrpano plugin: -->
    <plugin name="thumbnails"
    capture="false" keep="true" align="leftbottom" scale="0.5" y="-20"/>
    actions for thumbnails, called from the as3Thumbsforkrpano plugin, see gallery1.xml
    <action name="thum1">

    action(loadpano, pano01.xml);


    <action name="thum2">



    <action name="thum3">



    <view hlookat="0" vlookat="0" maxpixelzoom="1.0" />
    <display details="22" />

    <preview type="CUBESTRIP" url="pano01.tiles/preview.jpg" />

    <image type="CUBE" multires="true" tilesize="955">
    <level tiledimagewidth="1910" tiledimageheight="1910">
    <left url="pano01.tiles/l2_l_%0v_%0h.jpg" />
    <front url="pano01.tiles/l2_f_%0v_%0h.jpg" />
    <right url="pano01.tiles/l2_r_%0v_%0h.jpg" />
    <back url="pano01.tiles/l2_b_%0v_%0h.jpg" />
    <up url="pano01.tiles/l2_u_%0v_%0h.jpg" />
    <down url="pano01.tiles/l2_d_%0v_%0h.jpg" />
    <level tiledimagewidth="955" tiledimageheight="955">
    <left url="pano01.tiles/l1_l_%0v_%0h.jpg" />
    <front url="pano01.tiles/l1_f_%0v_%0h.jpg" />
    <right url="pano01.tiles/l1_r_%0v_%0h.jpg" />
    <back url="pano01.tiles/l1_b_%0v_%0h.jpg" />
    <up url="pano01.tiles/l1_u_%0v_%0h.jpg" />
    <down url="pano01.tiles/l1_d_%0v_%0h.jpg" />


    What can be wrong?



  • Have used Scrolling Thumbnails plugin but am surely hoping that someone would have time to create better version to help krpano community of creators. Current version is relatively useful but there are many things that could be better. As you mentioned, there are much better scrollers around there but how much of work you think it would take to integrate some of them to krpano? Any examples of other alternative scrollers that people have used with krpano?

  • "

    Well guys this scroller is kinda old, and the code is really a mess, I have been searching for other components to adapt for Krpano such as this one


    that one offers a lot more options already built in and it should be easy to adapt (hopefully) so if anyone is interested I can give it a shot, I haven't had a lot of free time lately but I think Krpano needs a better thumbnail scroller than mine :)

    what do you guys think?

    Looks great. I'd pitch in :)

  • Has anyone had luck getting the "options" plugin to run on top of scrolling thumbnails? I've tried running it in the plugins folder and in the virtualtour.xml file. The minimized-state arrow appears, but the plugin won't maximize...


  • hi guys ihave tried the scrolling pugin and it is working fine i even uploaded it on the net and it is doing fine however when i create the stand alone the thums stop showing anyhints on that subject ?

  • The current setting of the Scrolling Thumnails is that a text description specified in gallery.xml file is displayed when mousing over each thumnail. Is there a way to adjust the Scrolling thumnails so that a preview image is displayed at the middle of screen?


  • I am using rev7 and i need to disable the initial selection of the thumbnail.

    I do not need a thumbnail to be selected initially.

    I tried using Asperix version but doesnt work.

    Any help please? Maybe rev8?


  • guys, is there a way to disable the resize of thumb on mouse over, my thumbs are in sphere shape, with mirroring on bottom so the size is 53 width and 75 in height, but on mouse over the thumbs are resized and there si an issue that it doesnt fits the flash containr, and the round sphere is cut on the top part and second problem is that when resized I can see pixels around the sphere.

  • Thanks Shanti i got it!
    But there are a few other questions ... hope you can give me some answers to my questions. Please see my added screenshot.

    1. if i hover the thumbs they scale themselfs -> where to change that (no scaling, just moving right-left and back)?

    2. the thumb of the active/loaded panorama is darker than the other ones -> where to change that?

    ok, i fixed question 1 and 2 but 3, 4 and 5 are still not solved. ...

    Can someone tell me please, how he did this??

  • Hi guys I have a problem and I sent a mail to shantic to see if he can help me, but I write here too, if anybody knows how to resolve it ! Thanks !


    Hi Shantic, I've downloaded your beautiful thumbnail plugin and it's very good ! Just one problem, I have to resolve otherwise I will have to do all over again... Please look here http://360planetestudio.com/panos/bayeux/ I made a lot of changes on the menu bar to adapt it to every screen resolution, so I made the width and height in % same thing for x and y. But I don't know what is your resolution but if you are not in 1680x1050 like me, the only things which is not a its place is the thumbnail plugin...
    I tried to put % in these commands like that <thumbW>50%</thumbW> <thumbH>50%</thumbH> but it doesn't work... Please I really need your help on that, otherwise I cannot begin my work and sell panos to my customers...

    Thanks a lot for taking the time to answer me.

  • wow so many problems :S

    I wish I had more time to help all of you, but right now I am swamped with work and had no time to really do anything to this, I only do it on my free time since the plug-in is also free :P

    there are a lot of components that have really cool scrollers, unfortunately most of them are NOT free so we can't really adapt one to krpano and distribute it, unless each and everybody that uses it buys a license, we need to either find a really FREE source code, or create one from scratch :) since a lot of us use Panos commercially is really hard to really find free stuff like that :P and like I said I really have no time right now but if anyone finds a true free source code in AS3 I am willing to give it a go to adapt it to krpano.


  • Hi!

    Is there a possibility to link this plugin to the shares being done on another occasion. I would like to thumbnails evolved simultaneously with the action of loading a new panorama. I have tried in various ways, but to no avail. I would like to thumbnails varied depending on the selected panorama. I will be grateful for suggestions.


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