there is a small bugfix update for the out:
- the false virus detection in the 32bit windows kencrypt.exe was fixed by changing the file a bit,
- all .js (swfkrpano.ks, krpanoiphone.js) files were fixed for compatibility with the mootools toolkit,
- the <area> masking was fixed,
- the wrong hotspot scale for hotspot.getcenter() / looktohotspot() with 'wraparound' coordinates was fixed,
- and the Mac MAKE VTOUR (MULTIRES) droplet uses now the right vtour-mres.config file
in jeder scene werden die angaben automatisch wie z.b. fov="90" oder fovmin="60" definiert.
kann ich diese angaben irgendwo zentral anpassen wenn ich als fov lieber immer 120 haben möchte oder ist das alles fix und muss im nachhinein überall manuell angepasst werden?
The links in the krpano XML Reference that you've used to reference the blend modes is no longer valid. I looked for a correct page on the adobe sight, but did not see any with a search of "blend modes listing"
thanks for this note!
I have updated all links to the Adobe docs, now they should work again,
best regards,