• Hi,

    there is a small bugfix update for the out:


    • the false virus detection in the 32bit windows kencrypt.exe was fixed by changing the file a bit,
    • all .js (swfkrpano.ks, krpanoiphone.js) files were fixed for compatibility with the mootools toolkit,
    • the <area> masking was fixed,
    • the wrong hotspot scale for hotspot.getcenter() / looktohotspot() with 'wraparound' coordinates was fixed,
    • and the Mac MAKE VTOUR (MULTIRES) droplet uses now the right vtour-mres.config file

    in jeder scene werden die angaben automatisch wie z.b. fov="90" oder fovmin="60" definiert.

    kann ich diese angaben irgendwo zentral anpassen wenn ich als fov lieber immer 120 haben möchte oder ist das alles fix und muss im nachhinein überall manuell angepasst werden?


    The links in the krpano XML Reference that you've used to reference the blend modes is no longer valid. I looked for a correct page on the adobe sight, but did not see any with a search of "blend modes listing"

    thanks for this note!
    I have updated all links to the Adobe docs, now they should work again,

    best regards,

  • I'm using Javascript Interface documented in here and I'm using:

    • the js-action
    • and image-hotspots created dynamically with javascript
    • and onclick function similar to js_showtext() shown here
    • but my js_showtext()-function requires parameters eq js_showtext(header, text)

    It seems that the krpanoJS isn't able to have a js-function in onclick if the javascript function has parameters. It throws an error on Safari's Error console:


    TypeError: Result of expression 'J[a[_[106]]]' [undefined] is not an object.

    Regular Flash-version works fine. What should I try? Is this a bug or a feature not ready yet?

  • Hi Michel,

    Thanks for the quick reply. I know the js-function's name is js_showtext, but if I understand correctly it has nothing to do with the krpano action called showtext. It also doesn't work with other javascript function's that have other names. I believe the problem is with the js()-action in krpanoJS. Actually I can't use any javascript function with or without parameters in onclick of hotspots for krpanoJS. They all throw the same error.

    BTW I'm only using it in the "demo mode" because I don't have the licence for it yet.

  • Hi TN421,

    I have used the examples\javascript-interface\js-loadpano to make some tries with js() action...
    I have edited the pano1.xml file like this:

    First, I am on Safari using user agent Mobile Safari 3.2.2 - iPad mode....
    When I onclick the plugin[js_plugin] , the js(loadpano('pano2.xml')); call works correctly...
    Also, when I uncomment the events.onclick , a click anywhere on the pano calls the js(loadpano('pano2.xml')); and it works correctly...
    So, it seems that js() action works corrrectly also on krpanoJS Javascript / HTML5 / 3D CSS Viewer...
    If I have time tomorrow I will try the js_showtext example...

    Hi Klaus,

    It seems that the events.onloadcomplete does not work *whistling* ...
    In the code above, the events.onxmlcomplete works correctly but (after comment onxmlcomplete and uncomment onloadcomplete) the events.onloadcomplete does not work...

    perhaps my events.onloadcomplete issue has some relation with the commented here ...


    Edited once, last by michel (November 15, 2010 at 5:11 PM).

  • Hi TN421,

    I have tried the js_showtext example... it does not work as is... So, I have made a modified one that seems to work correctly...


    I believe the problem is with the js()-action in krpanoJS.

    Definitively, the js()-action in krpanoJS seems to work correctly...

    The modified example files are attached in this post (because it seems that answering on this thread does not allow attached files)...


  • I'm having trouble with the smoothness of fullscreen autorotation in krpano1.0.8.12

    It's somewhat shaky / staggering. (i,m on a fast i7 PC -guees it's worse on slower maschines)

    Here are a sample to compare

    http://fvlmedia.panodep.dk/fvl_preview.php?cid=136 (

    http://fvlmedia.panodep.dk/dkbs_preview.php?cid=136 (1.0.7)

    Is it a bug or does the new player just needs more power - or *confused* ??

    Otherwise I really love the new player.

    Best regards


  • Thank you for the update !

    I only have an odd problem with previewing pano's with Safari's I-family simulator (user agent).
    On the previous krpano version, the simulation worked perfect (on PC). But when I make a (normal) pano with the new krpanotools, the Iphone simulator on Safari doesn't work.
    It shows the following error... ERROR: iPhone / iPad Version not available!

    I included the Iphone licence files in both the krpanotools and pano destination folder.

    Anyone has a similar problem or know a solution?

    Tnx for the help,

    Edited once, last by Birdseye (November 16, 2010 at 9:09 AM).

  • Wow, this update is amazing! The JS-viewer works like a charm (out of the box) - I am really impressed!
    The only issue i ran into is that the buttons are set up in a different way (blend modes,...), at least I had to update the xml for my custom buttons to work again, but besides that I am REALLY impressed.

    Thanks again for the GREAT update! *thumbsup*

  • Hi,

    Regular Flash-version works fine. What should I try? Is this a bug or a feature not ready yet?

    can you show your example? (link?)

    It seems that the events.onloadcomplete does not work

    right, there is an issue with the onloadcomplete event in the krpanoJS,
    sometimes it doesn't work right, I'm not sure what's the problem at the moment (I think when there
    are no preview and pano images or so), but I will try to fix it of course,

    I'm having trouble with the smoothness of fullscreen autorotation in krpano1.0.8.12

    since version 1.0.8 the a newer flashplayer 10 rendering method is used by default,
    it has a better rendering quality but is slower compared to the flashplayer9 rendering method,

    if you like the flashplayer 9 rendering mode more you can enable it with that
    code in the xml:

    <display flash10="off" />

    It shows the following error... ERROR: iPhone / iPad Version not available!
    Anyone has a similar problem or know a solution?

    in this case I seem you have mixed some .js files from different versions?
    please try to the download the latest krpano tools package and use an new
    folder for it, don't mix with older versions,

    best regards,

  • Quoted from "Birdseye"
    It shows the following error... ERROR: iPhone / iPad Version not available!
    Anyone has a similar problem or know a solution?

    in this case I seem you have mixed some .js files from different versions?
    please try to the download the latest krpano tools package and use an new
    folder for it, don't mix with older versions,

    Problem solved. Thank you for the help Klaus *wink*

  • Hello,

    Just, I've installed the last version (which has replaced but kept my krpano.license file in place)
    But a lot of examples doesn't run, just a black screen and nothing else...

    Any idea ?


    Problem seems to be solved by a stop and restart of my Mac.

  • Hi,

    there is a new update for out:

    this is only a bugfix release, the fixed bugs:

    • swfkrpano.js - createPanoViewer() addParam() bugfix
    • krpanoJS - js() lowercase function name bugfix
    • updateobject() updates now also prealign
    • oninterrupt/stopall bugfix
    • editor plugin polygon hotspot editing bugfix
    • the "version" variable returns now the full version number

    and additionally there is a new alpha / beta download section where new krpano viewer, plugin and tools versions, which are not finished and still in development but already have new functions or features, will be released for public testing,

    the first item there is the krpano 1.0.9 alpha 0 viewer with new support for the panoramic videos,
    more items should come soon,

    best regards,

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