Hello everybody,
krpano version 1.0.8 beta 7 is ready!
there are a lot of news and many new possibilites, so please read this post
carefully and also have a look into the included releasenotes textfile
krpano 1.0.8 beta 7 and Tools
Update - 2009-04-05:
- bugfix passing of http get parameters (?parameter=value&...) for plugins
- bugfix for flashplayer version - hang/crash on loading a "parent" plugin/hotspot
- bugfix "loadpano busy" on two quick loadpano/loadxml/loadscene calls without blending
- added onstart parameter for <scene> - e.g. <scene onstart="..">
- updated option/editor plugins
- bugfix show xml parser errors
- updated standalone flashplayers to
Update - 2009-04-08:
- bugfix unloading mask
- bugfix dec()
- added "EQ" if() operator (the same as "==")
- extended switch() action:
- switch(var, a,b,c,d, ...);
- switch through all given values (from left to right)
- all <plugin> alignment attributes work now also for <hotspot>
- e.g. - "edge", "width", "height", "ox", "oy", ...
- only: "align", "x", "y" will not work
- <textstyle> "fadetime" parameter:
- set the time for a fadeout in seconds
- default="0" - no fadeout
- <image> "prealign" parameter to rotate/align the panoramic image
- syntax: <image ... prealign="X|Y|Z">
- tween to the value of a other variable:
- use the '$' prefix to refer the value of a variable
- tween(varA, $varB);
- add/sub/mul/div math operators:
- add(dst,val1,val2) => dst=val1+val2
- sub(dst,val1,val2) => dst=val1-val2
- mul(dst,val1,val2) => dst=val1*val2
- div(dst,val1,val2) => dst=val1/val2
- val1/val2 can be values or variables
- <scene> - a new concept to store more panoramas in one xml:
- there can be more <scene> nodes in one xml, a scene will be identified by it's name
- in every <scene> node all krpano sub nodes can be used
- e.g. <image>, <plugin>, <hotspot>, <events>, ...
- a scene is handled like a new external xml file
- load a scene via loadscene():
- loadscene(scenename,parameters*,flags*,blend*,onstart*)
- scenename - the name of the scene
- * all other optional parameters are the same like in the loadpano/loadxml actions
- with using the "keep" attribute and the MERGE load flag it is possible to mix global and local parts (e.g. plugins)
- parent/child system:
- parent attribute for all plugins/hotspots
- usage:
- parent="pluginname" or parent="plugin[pluginname]" or parent="hotspot[hotspotname]"
- the aligment of a child refers then to the parent
- can be changed dynamically
- "scalechildren" attribute - to scale also child plugins on parent scaling, default="false"
- plugin/hotspot - "scale9grid"
- scaling only a middle area of an image and let the borders unscaled
- usage; scale9grid="x|y|width|height"
- plugin/hotspot "crop" / "onovercrop" / "ondowncrop"
- crop an area of an image
- can be used to put several images into one single image
- onovercrop and ondowncrop for cropping dynamically other parts on over/down state changes
- usage: crop="x|y|width|height"
- plugin/hotspot "mask"
- use a other plugin/hotspot to mask out an current plugin/hotspot
- if the mask contains an alpha channel it will be used for masking otherwise only the rectangle shape of it
- usage:
- mask="pluginname" or mask="plugin[pluginname]" or mask="hotspot[hotspotname]"
- customizable mouse cursors:
- user defined mouse cursors
- can be set and changed statically or dynamiically
- new if() operators:
- because of the XML limitation of the usage of the '<' and '>' chars
- "GT" - greater than,
- "LT" - lower than
- "LE" - lower or equal
- "GE" - greater or equal
- new events:
- onkeydown / onkeyup / "keycode"
- keyboard events
- check the current press key via the "keycode" variable
- onloaderror / "lasterror"
- user defined error handling
- no error message will be shown
- the last error message in stored in the "lasterror" variable
- onxmlcomplete
- called when the loading and parsing of an panorama xml is complete
- can(should) be used additionally or instead of "onstart"
- note - when loading via loadscene() this is also called
- internally a scene is like a new pano xml
- onviewchange
- is called on every view change
- note - this event should be used carefully, don't make "heavy" operations/changes here this events will be called every frame on moving
- onidle / "idletime"
- will be called after some time of no user interaction/moving
- the "idletime" can be set in the <krpano> node or via set(idletime, 0.5);
- default "idletime" is "0.5" seconds
- onclick
- will be called on click on the pano
- onresize / "stagewidth" / "stageheight"
- will be called on resize of the window
- note - also will be also called on fullscreen/window switches
- the "stagewidth", "stageheight" are set to the current window/stage size
- setarea(x,y,width,height) action to set the panorama area
- only pixel values can be used yet
- can be used but there is no guarantee that this action will be stay in this way also in future release
- onkeydown / onkeyup / "keycode"
- Bugfixes:
- if() and action() calls are now executed intermediately instead at the end of the current command queue like in the previous versions
- disable tab stops for plugins/hotspots
- domain/FQDN checking - a dot(.) at the end of the domain is allowed now
- download/decode settings for first multiresolution level
- HIGHSHARP quality one pixel border
- placeholders like %SWFPATH% work now also for image urls
- polygonal hotspot visible toggle
- QTVR loading error message
- switch(var,a,b) with "local" variables works now
- wrong plugin positions
- all plugins:
- use a new updated version management
- check the version of each plugin by opening it the swf with the standalone flashplayer or opening it direct in the web browser
- updated for "parent" usage
- editor plugin:
- xml generator only partially updated for the new attributes
- but not all at the moment!!!
- bugfix - "blackout" on HIGHSHARP quality
- bugfix - lensflares <flare> duplicates
- soundinterface:
- added functions for 3D directional sound
- bugfix - added check for the possibility to play sound (installed soundcard)
- details here - FORUM LINK
- kprotect:
- allow embedding of any additional file
- automatic analyzing and resolving of xml files
- kmaketiles:
- added the "-keepaspect" parameter for resizing,
- with "-resize=WIDTHxHEIGHT -keepaspect" a image will be resized to the maximum image size of WIDTHxHEIGHT and the original aspect will be kept
- kmakemultires:
- bugfix - "indexbase"
- bugfix - building of a too large previews on partial panos
- bugfix - "xmltemplate_additional_file" parsing fixed
- support of tiles inputs
- new parameters for this case:
- intilesize - size of the input tiles (format: SIZE or WIDTHxHEIGHT)
- insize - size of the input image (format: WIDTHxHEIGHT)
- inindexbase - indexbase for input (default=1)
- usage: (similar to kmaketiles)
- kmakemultires tiledimage_%v_%u.jpg -intilesize=1000 -insize=10000x5000 -inindexbase=1
- support for automatic creating of partial panos
- panotype (new parameter) - possible values:
- autodetect - the type will be detected by it's imagesize/aspect
- 2:1 aspect for a spherical pano
- 1:1 aspect and six similar named images for a cubical pano
- other aspects - ask the user
- sphere - force assuming that the input is a sphere
- cylinder - force assuming that the input is a cylinder
- flat - force assuming that the input is a flat image
- autodetect - the type will be detected by it's imagesize/aspect
- hfov (new parameter)
- hfov value for partial spherical/cylinder panos
- the vfov value will be calculated automatically
- updated "kmakemultires.config"
- panotype (new parameter) - possible values:
- new xml templates:
- simple.xml - only the pano with no additional elements
- standard_skin.xml
- some standard panoramic controls
- a changeable custom mouse cursor (moving, dragging)
- qtvr - qtvr_style_skin.xml
- a qtvr styled skin
- zoom buttons, qtvr cursor
What's left for the final 1.0.8 version:
- videoplayer plugin (will follow in the next days)
- 3D distorted hotspots
- optional automatic flash9/flash10 switching for best performance on all systems
- others fov types (hfov,vfov,dfov,mm,zoom)
- more customizable progressbar
- encrypted external images
- add the "keep multires level" option again
- adjustable sharpen effect
- controllable filters/effects (glow,shadow,blur...) for plugins/hotspots
- new mouse control mode
- cylindrical QTVRs
- complete new editor with much more possibilities
- updated and new plugins
- finished kprotect tool
- kprotect command line tool
- linux versions of the tools
- docu / examples
- updated website
- ...?
Links to all new examples: