Scroll bar is not coming on iPhone/iPad using Textfield Plugin

  • Hi,

    i have insert the html in "textfield" plugin. and in DIV i have given fixed height and given "scroll:auto" in style of that DIV.
    but scroll bar is not coming in that DIV if i have more text in it.

    My Code is as below
    <plugin name="popup" enabled="true" url="plugins/textfield.swf" keep="true" offset="center" align="center" width="240" height="64" edge="center" x="0" y="0" visible="false" html="[p][div style="height:200px; overflow:auto;"]Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.[/div][/p]" css="p{color:#ffffff; font-family:Arial; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; display:inline-block;}" backgroundalpha="1" backgroundcolor="0x000000" autosize="center" alpha="1" background="false" usecontentsize="true" children="false" textblur="0" textglow="8" textglowcolor="0x000000" textshadow="4" jsborder="1px solid #FFFFFF" />

    How can i use scrollbar if i have more content in DIV with specific height in iPhone/iPad?



  • Hi,

    I noticed that it is coming but in invisible mode. When i click on the position where scroll bar is expected and it's working.
    but it is not showing over the pano. I think is goes behind the pano. I set the zorder to the highest but not coming over the pano.

    so how can i show scroll bar over the pano, which already there but behind the pano?



  • Hi Nupsi,

    Thats' my mistake.
    use singel(') quote instead of Double(") quote.
    use following
    [div style='height:200px; overflow:auto;']



  • Hi klaus,

    thank for your quick reply.
    but i didn't get you.


    overflow scrolls are normally possible with two fingers,

    Please can you give more explanation on it.

    is there any other way to add scroll bars in textfield plugin with html data.



  • Hey Pratiks,

    I guess what Klaus means is that the iPad/iPhone supports the scrolling in overlay-fields with two fingers, instead of one. But this works only on a few websites really. Using google I found out that the websites html/js-code needs to have this function implemented, but that´s a topic far beyond my knowledge ;)

    Best regards,

  • Hi klaus,


    overflow scrolls are normally possible with two fingers,

    I have test it on iphone and got the answer what you are trying say.

    thanks for help.


  • Hi klaus,

    is there any way to show the long description text using textfield plugin on iPhone?
    as we have screen area restriction in iPhone.

    Please suggest any alternative method to show long description text.



  • Hi sachagriffin,

    Are you talking about html pages?
    How to use html pages in textfield? I have used that using iframe, but succeed as it stops all other functionality in iPhone4 and displays only white background instead of iframe content.

    please guide me how to use pages in KRPano.



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