Please I have 3 panos and 2 sounds.
When I get in to the second pano I have to load the mp3 file number 1 ok
When I get in to the fisrt pano the sound of the second pano still playing OK. Good. When I come back to the second pano the sound start again from the beginning ( Wrong, I want keep the sound, I dont want it start from the beginning again).
When I get in to the third pano I have to stop the sound number 1 and play the number 2 Ok Good . When I come back to the second pano, I have to stop the sound number 2 and play the number 1. ok no problem.
The problem is All the time that I geting back to the second pano the sound start from the beginning again, and if I dont do the stopallsounds(); I have 2 sounds playing together. What I have to do.