Bing Maps Plugin (as replacement for the Google Maps Plugin)

  • Hi,

    Google has stopped giving out news keys for the Google Maps Flash API (please see the appropriate thread for details), so a replacement/alternative was necessary and now here is one in form of the krpano Bing Maps Plugin .

    The krpano Bing Maps Plugin uses the same interfaces as the krpano Google Maps Plugin. That means for switching from the Google Maps to the Bing Maps just replace the googlemaps.swf by the bingmaps.swf and change in the xml the Google Maps key by the Bing Maps key.

    A key for Bing Maps can be requested here:

    The krpano Google Maps Plugin License itself will be of course also valid for the krpano Bing Maps plugin - just rename the googlemaps.license.xml to bingmaps.license.xml.

    The Bing Maps Plugin is included in the normal krpano download packages:

    The plugin documentation:

    And here a small demo with a comparison between the Bing Maps Plugin (on the left side) and the Google Maps Plugin (on the right side):

    The two maps plugins in the demo were synced by xml code, here the xml of the demo if interested:

    Some technical details about the Bing Maps Plugin:
    The plugin is based on the open-source OpenScales Flash API. In some details the map rendering is not that good as in the Google Maps Plugin, so I will still try to improve the one of other thing, but generally it is already working really well.

    Best regards,

  • Hi everyone,

    I wanted to be conform with the bing maps terms of use when i'm selling a tour to a client including this API. So i wrote a mail to bing maps and tried to explain the way i use it, but i think i wasn't be understood (english) because they send me a kind of check list with prices (begins at 4500€/year).! (see attachments)
    So i'd like to know which way Krpano users get API key for their clients? May be the client has to ask his own API key or i have to buy a bing map licence on Krpano web site for each client and then ask the key for his web server?

    Thanks to share your experience. *smile*


  • Hi Klaus,

    Just bought the Bingmaps plugin.

    When running local, no problem the krpano logo get lost.

    But once online it appears again while the license xml file is in the same folder.

    Any idea?


  • Hi everyone,

    I wanted to be conform with the bing maps terms of use when i'm selling a tour to a client including this API. So i wrote a mail to bing maps and tried to explain the way i use it, but i think i wasn't be understood (english) because they send me a kind of check list with prices (begins at 4500€/year).! (see attachments)
    So i'd like to know which way Krpano users get API key for their clients? May be the client has to ask his own API key or i have to buy a bing map licence on Krpano web site for each client and then ask the key for his web server?

    Thanks to share your experience. *smile*


    Anyone faced to this case?
    Thanks.. *smile*

    P.S: By the way i forgot to thanks Klaus for found a quick replacement! So thanks Klaus!! *thumbsup*


    Edited once, last by esys (April 10, 2012 at 11:13 AM).

  • Hi everyone,
    I wanted to be conform with the bing maps terms of use when i'm selling a tour to a client including this API. So i wrote a mail to bing maps and tried to explain the way i use it, but i think i wasn't be understood (english) because they send me a kind of check list with prices (begins at 4500€/year).! (see attachments)
    So i'd like to know which way Krpano users get API key for their clients? May be the client has to ask his own API key or i have to buy a bing map licence on Krpano web site for each client and then ask the key for his web server?
    Thanks to share your experience. *smile*

    This would also interest me.


  • Hi everyone,

    I wanted to be conform with the bing maps terms of use when i'm selling a tour to a client including this API. So i wrote a mail to bing maps and tried to explain the way i use it, but i think i wasn't be understood (english) because they send me a kind of check list with prices (begins at 4500€/year).! (see attachments)
    So i'd like to know which way Krpano users get API key for their clients? May be the client has to ask his own API key or i have to buy a bing map licence on Krpano web site for each client and then ask the key for his web server?

    Thanks to share your experience. *smile*


    I'm also interested in finding an answer to this.


  • Thanksfor your help.

    i put <include url="bingmaps.xml" /> in

    I madea file bingmaps.xml, put key, lat
    and lng...

    But tour.html say “FATAL: bingmaps.xml - XML
    parser error: element is malformed (#1090)”

  • why not work?
    it is wrong?
    error is "no network access unavailable cannot load map tiles"

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