Plugin-Dragging for iDevices

  • Hi Klaus,

    I know there are some examples for setting up dragging for plugins, but they´re not very fast or have some serious limitations. It would be great, if you could include some kind of smooth and easy to use "js dragging"-function *attention*

    I wrote my own dragging functions, based on your examples, but the most annoying limitation is that the dragging gets REALLY slow and buggy if you use multiple layers of parent/child-dependencys. Here is a very rough example for that:

    <plugin name="mainbar"
    basic plugin-settings etc....

    <plugin name="scrollbar"

    <plugin name="child_01"

    This causes some serious lagging in all dragging-functions I know, but if you just remove the parent-tag from plugin "scrollbar", so that there is only one parent and one child, the dragging is nice and smooth.

    Thanks and best regards

  • Hi!
    Take a look at this
    iPad interface for krpano tours (MAC droplet added)
    it's has draging for iDevices and for flash too...
    Open image (click on top right button) and try to drag image inside a window.
    Open help and drag it.
    Open info window ("i" button) and drag text inside
    Drag thumbnails
    Close thumbnails gesture, tap and drag down
    Or open - tap on controlbar and drag up

    Hope you like it

    Andrey *thumbup*

    BTW - there is drag_style and one action
    for example

    with few additional attributes for a plugin

  • Hi Andrey,

    I know your work very well and as I said, I wrote my own scroll/drag-routines. But that´s not the point! The point is that somehow each dragging-routine gets much slower as soon as you use multiple parent-/child-layers, which makes the whole thing of programming much harder. But I said that too as well. Maybe you did´nt read my post attentively enough *wink*

    Best regards

  • Hi!
    I do *wink*
    But I thought you don't know "IF"....
    You said that you make your own and it's slow, i just try to say that my option is optimized.

    For example - the thumbs bar is draggable and can have many children (40 and more)
    and drags well on ipad.
    I agree, some native dragging feature can be faster, may be, but not sure. *unsure*

    BTW - using additional effects, scaling, and transparence, making dragging slow and lagging

    Andrey *thumbup*

  • hehehe....thanks for you feedback, guys! But that´s still NOT what I meant *g* Okay let me try to explain it way simpler:

    PLUGIN 1 = Dragable plugin

    PLUGIN 2,3,4,5,6,7.... = are all Childs of PLUGIN 1

    Everthing works like a charm *smile* So far, so good!

    PLUGIN 1 = Just a normal plugin like a menu bar

    PLUGIN 2 = Dragable plugin AND child of PLUGIN 1

    PLUGIN 3,4,5,6,7.... = are all Childs of PLUGIN 2

    does NOT work like a charm!

    And that´s also true for your dragging-actions, Andrey. I know, because I bought the iPad-Interface and tested it. If you try and set the thumb-scroller (_thumbs) as a child of the thumbs-background (_thumbs_bg) you can see it for yourself.
    And your drag-function also have a serious problem on Android-Devices if not in fullscreen, just like mine. It seems like you faced the same problems I did and build your own workarounds, just like me. I really did try a lot of ways to fix that, but it seems that there are at least two ugly bugs in krpano. And both are parent-/child-related!

    Best regards

  • Ok, ok, i understand *tongue*
    But, what you trying to do?
    Why you need so many children? for what?
    Interesting.. *smile*
    My opinion - no way to create an native dragging feature faster.
    Especially for android devices
    may be some day, with 4 core fast processors 4gb of memory tablets *wink*
    with real 3d acceleration

    Andrey *thumbup*

  • Why you need so many children?

    It would be easier if you could just link the scroller and it´s children to a master-parent. And this would really speed things up if you build thumbscroller for all platforms (Desktops, iPhones, iPads, iPods, Androids).

    But that´s not really the point *wink* The point is that there is something wrong in the way krpano handles the parent-/child-link.
    If you take your own dragging-function, Andrey, and test it on an Android-Phone you will see that the dragging is not working if the tour is not running in fullscreen-mode, because of the child-thumbnails! Even if you disable all thumbnails (set[].enabled,false) the error still appears. But if you drag the thumbscroller itself, it works just flawless!

    So somehow the parent gets affected by its own children, even if they´re deactivated *confused*
    That can´t be right....I guess *question* *attention*

    Best regards

  • Well, you could always not make the menu bar a parent, and manipulate it manually if you have to.

  • Well, you could always not make the menu bar a parent, and manipulate it manually if you have to.

    That´s what I do, Sacha! But I think it would be much better for the future if this bug, or behavior, would be fixed *wink*
    And also that the onhover-tag of all childs is taken from the parent. It´s pretty annoying and time consuming to find workarounds for these things *sad*

    Best regards

  • Hi,

    The point is that there is something wrong in the way krpano handles the parent-/child-link.

    Please post an concrete example where the problem can be seen and tested. Also please include a decryption of the used test devices and versions. Then I will try to analyze it.

    Generally itself it's not possible to say what exactly is faster or slower - this depends on the concrete situation, and also the browser itself has also a very important effect!

    Best regards,

  • And your drag-function also have a serious problem on Android-Devices if not in fullscreen, just like mine. It seems like you faced the same problems I did and build your own workarounds, just like me. I really did try a lot of ways to fix that, but it seems that there are at least two ugly bugs in krpano. And both are parent-/child-related!

    Yes thats also what I found out. I have been trying to get Andrey's drag functions to work for a large project and it works OK now for me except for Android.
    I do not use any kind of extra child elements but it seems to be impossible to get it working on Android unless you go fullscreen.

    I think I will make an extra function for Android so that people will start up in Fullscreen.

    It looks like the whole pano window sometimes get loose if you are not in fullscreen. Looks very weird.
    I hope it is better on some of the larger tablets than on my small Deisire Z


  • Hi all,

    This is a really annoying problem...
    It seems that this behaviour has some relation with the onLongClick (or something similar) feature, that makes popup the fullscreen option (and affects the other events)....
    In my opinion, as Krpano does not needs this flashplayer feature as it already manages Fullscreen function by his own, this onLongClick event could be annulled in some way (if possible)... KLAUS *squint*

    There is another behaviour affecting the correct function of Krpano due to this onLongClick Fullscreen feature on Ondroid...
    Take any panorama example (Ex: ) and touch the screen any where while waiting the Fullscreen popup feature... then pull off your finger from the screen... The pano does a panning to the left and up with no reason...

    Hope this can be solved by Klaus. *rolleyes*


  • Hi Klaus,

    did you find a way to fix this annoying behavior? Even with the latest release (06-03-2012) the dragging on android-handys (samsung galaxy 2 ie) does not work if the krpano-player is´nt set to fullscreen! Your example works fine, because there are no children, I guess?! If you build a scrollbar with attached thumbnails, the scrolling just wont work. I can send you a link to an example, where you can see the problem for yourself.

    Best regards

  • Hi,

    in the pre-releases the problem from above is already fixed!

    The problem was that a bug in the Android Flashplayer which wasn't updating the Flashplayer mouse coordinates when no 'mousemove' event listener was attached to the currently moving element.

    But it's possible that there are also an other Flashplayer bugs of course... so yes, please show your example.

    Best regards,

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