Is there a way to detect the size (pixelwidth and pixelheight) of a directory object, such as a jpeg image, before it is loaded into a plugin?
If Not, is it possible to detect it after it is loaded as a plugin and the scale is set to 1, but no width or height is set?
I tried this for the directory option:
... but it didn't work.
I tried this by loading the plugin without setting a width or height, instead using scale and then trying to determine the width or height...
<!-- create the image plugin -->
<plugin name="testimage" url="photos/1.jpg" align="leftbottom" edge="leftbottom" scale="1" width="" height="" keep="true" visible="true" />
<!-- run an action to check for pixelwidth -->
<action name="test">
set(testsize, get(plugin[testimage].pixelwidth));
<!-- update the test layer that shows the result as text -->
set(layer[infotext].html, get(testsize)); wait(5);
... but that came up with zero (0) as the result, I'm guessing because the width and height were not set in the plugin. If I used .width instead of .pixelwidth, the answer was NULL.
Any ideas?