• The soundinterface itself hadn't changed. Do you mean the same example had worked in and now it not in 1.16.1?
    If yes, please provide an example.

    mp3 reload always time! old version krpano good work. new version no... *cry*


    Edited 3 times, last by mir-360 (April 3, 2013 at 8:29 AM).

  • Hi, Thank you for the new version of Krpano, Klaus!
    My Company owns a KRPANO license. Until now everything went OK. But now I want to upgrade to the last krpano version (1.16) so I can take advantage fromthe make vtour droplets. The problem is that I can't make it work.

    I copied my licenses (krpano.license, krpanotools.license, krpanoiphone.license.js) to my new krpanotools 1.16 folder, and now each time I try to use krpano I get this message

    ERROR: calling the kprotectcl tool failed!

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Thank you very much! *smile*

  • Hi,

    mp3 reload always time! old version krpano good work. new version no..

    In the new version the onstart event of a xml file will be ALWAYS called now, regardless is if there are actions after the loadpano() call.

    To call an start action only once, you need to use a separate event now,

    <events name="startupevents" keep="true"
          	onxmlcomplete="playsound(...); set(events[startupevents].onxmlcomplete,null);"

    When getting this error message:

    ERROR: calling the kprotectcl tool failed!

    Then have you an old version of the swfkrpano.js or of the krpanoiphone.js file in your tools folder.
    Check the tools folder itself and also check the 'templates/html/' subfolder.

    All files need to be up to date!
    The new license embedding doesn't work with the older files.

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    In the new version the onstart event of a xml file will be ALWAYS called now, regardless is if there are actions after the loadpano() call.

    To call an start action only once, you need to use a separate event now,

    <events name="startupevents" keep="true" 
          	onxmlcomplete="playsound(...); set(events[startupevents].onxmlcomplete,null);"

    code dont work *cry*

    Sry only i don't understand it... pls create example.
    3 pano - one music

    and 2-3 other music... and how in new version krpano create it!? not good news Klaus *sad*


    Edited once, last by mir-360 (April 3, 2013 at 2:30 PM).

  • thank you very much Klaus for your workings. please can you put a link of DONATE. because you are working to update your system and we paid only one time for your works. If you will put a "DONATE" link or button i think so many user will use that.

    A question: are you still looking for a solution of "distorted hotspots parent child problem"

    Best Regards and Congratulatitions to you.

  • Hi,

    Sry only i don't understand it... pls create example.
    3 pano - one music

    and 2-3 other music... and how in new version krpano create it!? not good news Klaus

    Please create a separate thread and show the whole example there, it might require several changes and posts to discuss the required changes.

    A question: are you still looking for a solution of "distorted hotspots parent child problem"

    Yes, of course, my todo-list is still extremely long.

    You forget to update the code source of textfield plugin in package.

    No, the included textfield.as source code is up-to-date!
    It's exactly the same code (except the automatic build number) like the textfield.swf that is included in the download packages.

    Best regards,

  • I just installed the new version of KRpanotools but when I create a new pano, I get this error in Chrome:

    Fatal Error:
    tour.xml - loading not possible!
    Error: NETWORK-ERR: XMLHttpRequest Exception 101

    The pano works well in Safari, Firefox and Explorer. I'm testing locally and Chrome is my default browser.
    I also tried to add the '--allow-outdated-plugins' parameter without result.

    It does work when I put the tour online, but when testing locally I get this error. Any solution ?

    Tnx for help,

  • Hi,

    I get this error in Chrome:

    Fatal Error:
    tour.xml - loading not possible!
    Error: NETWORK-ERR: XMLHttpRequest Exception 101

    The reason for this error is the default html5=prefer setting in the html file, which means that the krpano html5 viewer will be used by default, but Chrome (and IE10) don't allow loading local xml files in html5 by default.

    You can either start Chrome with this command-line parameter:


    to allow loading local files or use a localhost server for testing.

    E.g. mongoose is a great and simple localhost server - just copy the mongoose executable into the folder that should be the server root folder, start it and enter 'http://localhost:8080/' in the browser.

    Best regard,

  • First thing, thank you for the help regarding this issue.

    And when I compare the http request headers between 4.0.0 and 4.0.1 in your link (with the Chrome Developer Tools) then I see only differences are this 'Origin' line and this cookie:

    Secondly, yes, the cookie seems to be the problem. When the request is made with the new standards, the request header does not contain the cookie required for access to specific content, which in turn receives an error page (hence the text/html content type). So my question would be: how can I limit access without a cookie? or can the request be changed to contain the cookie needed? (or more specifically, make the CORS with user authentication enabled / disabled omit credentials flag ; or something like the withCredentials flag).

  • Awesome Klaus!

    I'm glad you are not "overenginering" where you put feature on feature till the product breaks. You keep going back to your old code and refactor it. I can appreciate this as a programmer ;).

    Nice that you added a onready event for javascript. I always faked this with the onxmlcomplete. Same goes for the escape, consolelog. Nice utility functions that makes coding more easy :)

  • Hi,

    Secondly, yes, the cookie seems to be the problem. When the request is made with the new standards, the request header does not contain the cookie required for access to specific content, which in turn receives an error page (hence the text/html content type). So my question would be: how can I limit access without a cookie? or can the request be changed to contain the cookie needed? (or more specifically, make the CORS with user authentication enabled / disabled omit credentials flag ; or something like the withCredentials flag).

    In the next release I will add a setting for either disabling the CORS usage for images or for setting a custom crossOrigin value to the images (e.g. 'use-credentials') instead the currently default 'anonymous'.

    Best regards,

  • For some reason,. Swf files generated by v. 1.16.1 droplet does not appear in adobe bridge CS4 (error: Flash Player 10.1 or higher needed) Flash 11 installed. same panoramic image generated with v droplet can be displayed without problems.
    Any ideas as to what is wrong.

  • Im getting just a black screen with the imagemap visible in my html version, doesn't throw up any errors in the console. The flash version works fine. Ive tried commenting out blocks of code but still nothing. Any ideas?

  • Hi,

    For some reason,. Swf files generated by v. 1.16.1 droplet does not appear in adobe bridge CS4 (error: Flash Player 10.1 or higher needed) Flash 11 installed. same panoramic image generated with v droplet can be displayed without problems.
    Any ideas as to what is wrong.

    That means your installed Standalone Flashplayer is too old.
    The new krpano Flash Viewer requires Flashplayer 10.1 or higher.

    Note - the installed Flashplayer Plugin and the installed Standalone Flashplayer are two different things.

    You can download the latest Standalone (also called Projector) Flashplayer here:

    Look for the 'Flash Player 11.6 Projector' download for your system.

    On Windows you need to start it once with admin-rights (right-click) to let it associate itself automatically with .swf files. The next time you can just double-click the swf files.

    Im getting just a black screen with the imagemap visible in my html version, doesn't throw up any errors in the console. The flash version works fine. Ive tried commenting out blocks of code but still nothing. Any ideas?

    Sorry, but please describe your problem more detailed.

    Best regards,

  • Im getting just a black screen with the imagemap visible in my html version, doesn't throw up any errors in the console. The flash version works fine. Ive tried commenting out blocks of code but still nothing. Any ideas?

    This occurred to me when I encrypted the tour.xml file. (yes, I had the html5 box checked) Everything worked fine on desktops, but on any mobile device all I got was a black screen.

  • Sorry, but please describe your problem more detailed.

    Hi Klaus, I converted the swf & javascript files to the latest version and all I get is a blank screen in the HTML5 version but the flash version works fine. The HTML version worked ok in the previous version. Its strange as it loads an imagemap I have in it but nothing else. My file isn't encrypted either and the error console reports everything is loaded. Should I attach my xml to look at? Im on an Intel Mac, tested in firefox & safari

  • I solved the problem. I had preload="true" on a container which was doing it. Not sure why as it worked in the previous version but glad I found it. Thanks guys

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