i'm busy with a universal panorama engine project where my contractor is renting this engine to his clients and hosting it for them under several subdomains (e.g. client1.his-domain.com).
during my development i'm simulating this situation on my devlopment server in this way: client1.his-domain.my-dev-domain.com.
that lead me to troubles with the kprotect tool (version and 15) and a tedious search for a solution (i didn't find anything here in the forum):
if i'm adding more then one subdomain level, kprotect's domain limitation algorithm isn't working anymore.
here are some examples with subdomains and their respective domain limitation entries in kprotect:
=> throws a license error with:
- my-dev-domain.com
- *.my-dev-domain.com
- *my-dev-domain.com
- *.*.my-dev-domain.com
=> works only (explicitely) with:
- client1.his-domain.my-dev-domain.com (which is useless for my purpose)
next try (using only one sub domain level):
=> works with
- my-dev-domain.com
so obviously kprotect / krpano accepts only one subdomain "level" ("one dot allowed"), which seems to be not flexible enough for some development and multi client projects.
it would be very nice to have a more granular control which would be useful for dev work like described above and some scenarios where a big client e.g. runs a main website under hisdomain.com, a panorama section under panos.hisdomain.com and then has e.g. contributing/paying users/clients under user-or-client-number-xxx.panos.hisdomain.com. it should be possible to limit the domains explicitely like *.dev.mydomain.com using wildcards.
perhaps this suggestion could find it's way into a future update