Got my Leap controller yesterday - leaping, er more like groping, towards controlling it
Has anyone actually managed to control a pano with one?
Got my Leap controller yesterday - leaping, er more like groping, towards controlling it
Has anyone actually managed to control a pano with one?
Its relatively easy to control a pano, the only thing that is difficult is zooming in and out.
Install Touchless from Apirpsace on your computer. Run it in Basic Mode. Now to pan around your pano, open all your fingers and spread them apart.
To point on a Hot Spot, remove your hand and change it's shame to fist closed with your index finger out as a pointer.
Thanks James
After trying with mac and win7 on my desktop I've had most success with a laptop and now have some very rudimentary control of a pano.
I look forward to software updates for the motion controller and to Klaus's krp plugin.
After some time one becomes aware of the weight of the hands which are unsupported unlike other drawing/writing activities. I'll try some acrylic and glass sheets and see if the controller can see the hands though them.
Regarding Oculus Rift support:
krpano Stereoscopic 3D / Oculus Rift Support
Hi all!
Any news here? Anyone succeeded in control panoramas using Leap Motion controller?
I'm on the way, I already did some nice improvments with communication between leapmotion and krpano, but still nothing to show...
You can check that :
I've tons of practice at this point using Krpano with Touchless and I can make it look effortless.
I would show friends and the odd client how it works. They are all blown away by what they see, but when they ask for a go and I let them, ho man it's funny to watch. They don't have a hope of controlling it with any ease.
A dedicated plugin is badly needed.
Leap motion used to control krpano : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x14w4fu_…itone-2013_tech
Very basic function as it's hard for new users to use this device... left, right, up, down and click (hotspots automaticly selected when middle of screen.
Thanks for sharing that.
So little of Leap is shown that I'm afraid it just
teases me. lol...
That looks amazing !! By the way, how do you know it's using krpano ?
It should be 3 slipteed screens which I m sure that can be done using js
That looks amazing !! By the way, how do you know it's using krpano ?
It should be 3 slipteed screens which I m sure that can be done using js
The slipped screens are done with matrox display port.
You can see the virtual tour displayed here : http://www.explornova360.com
Any update on this?
I would really like to get some good use for Leap Motion with Virtual Tours.
This is a very basic script that you can start off with. You'll be able to navigate left, right, top, bottom by holding your open hand
over the leap controller and tilting your hand left and right and up and down. You may want to change the numbers in the if statements
to something more comfortable. Obviously lots of room for improvement.
Have Fun!
The plugin code is as follows:
var krpanoplugin = function () {
var local = this,
krpano = null,
plugin = null;
/* Register the plugin for use with Krpano */
local.registerplugin = function (krpanointerface, pluginpath, pluginobject) {
krpano = krpanointerface;
plugin = pluginobject;
/* Clean up when unloading the plugin */
local.unloadplugin = function () {
plugin = null;
krpano = null;
/* Detect clicks on the plugin [ NOT USED ] */
local.hittest = function (x, y) {
return false;
/* Plugin was resized from XML Krpano [ NOT USED ] */
local.onresize = function (width, height) {
return false;
/* Initialize Leap Controller */
function initializeleapcontroller() {
Leap.loop(function (frame, done) {
var hand = frame.hands[0];
if (hand) {
var x = hand.palmPosition[0],
y = hand.palmPosition[1],
z = hand.palmPosition[2];
var pNx = hand.palmNormal[0],
pNy = hand.palmNormal[1],
pNz = hand.palmNormal[2];
var pDxr = hand.direction[0],
pDyr = hand.direction[1],
pDzr = hand.direction[2];
/* Tilting Forward and Backward Actions */
if ( pNz > 0.3 ) {
// Forward
krpano.set("vlookat_moveforce", "0.5");
else if ( pNz < -0.3 ) {
// Backward
krpano.set("vlookat_moveforce", "-0.5");
else {
// Steady
krpano.set("vlookat_moveforce", "0.0");
/* Tilting Left and Right Actions */
if ( pNx > 0.3 )
if ( pNx > 0.6 ) {
// Fast Left
krpano.set("hlookat_moveforce", "-2.0");
} else {
// Left
krpano.set("hlookat_moveforce", "-0.5");
else if ( pNx < -0.3 )
if ( pNx < -0.6 ) {
//Fast Right
krpano.set("hlookat_moveforce", "2.0");
} else {
// Right
krpano.set("hlookat_moveforce", "0.5");
else {
// Steady
krpano.set("hlookat_moveforce", "0.0");
else {
// Hand is no longer visible then we stop all movement
krpano.set("vlookat_moveforce", "0.0");
krpano.set("hlookat_moveforce", "0.0");
Display More
To use, include the leap library in the html tour file and lastly in the xml file include the following lines:
Great Stefan, great base for starting developing krpano/leap plugin !
Would be great if someone could do the same basic function in as3 as it looks the js plugin can't be used with the flash player...
here is the leap as3 ressource :https://github.com/logotype/LeapMotionAS3
sorry but I really don't know anything about as3....
thanx !
Thanks so much for the plugin but I am having a little issue.
I just go the device and I tried the code but I am getting this error with the latest release of KRpano
ERROR: decoding failed - leapcontroller.js
I have this in my html file
<script src="leapcontroller.js"></script>
And this in my xml file
<plugin name="leapcontroller"
url="leapcontroller.js" parent=""
preload="true" x="0" y="0"
visible="true" keep="true"
and the code above is in a file called "leapcontroller.js" as suggested
What am I missing?
Thank you
You have to force html5 player, flash can't decode js.
You have to force html5 player, flash can't decode js.
Thank you all so much, the error is gone.
I don't mean to be a bather but I don't know so I ask so that I may know.
Can someone who has done it and gotten it to work give a step by step procedure on how they get the leapmotion to work with krpano.
1. Do I have to edit or modify any variables in the "leapcontroller.js" file?
2. I was getting a black screen until I remove "preload="true" from the plugin statement. I remove preload="true" and then I get no error but nothing happens.
Am I suppose to load something else?
I seem to be missing something.
Thank you
I found this "Airspace" app for leapmotion that allows you to control the entire computer screen and it works OK (not great) when I load the VT in a browser.
I would really appreciate an example file if anyone has done this successfully, I have a leap motion sitting doing nothing because I bought it just for this.
Sorry to be one of those who ask questions but I call it the learning stage.
Thank you
Seems to be some FUD regarding how to use LeapMotion with KRPano, with some nice videos but no info. The included Touchless app is simpy useless for Panoramas, so I was excited to see some Leap KRPano code in this Forum, however just like others I could not get it to work with the “leap library”.
However hope is at hand with the Gamewave app (£3 on the Airspace Store) which is the only app which I have seen which does not emulate a jerky mouse. It has a steering mode ideal for panoramas, since it allows you to control actions with continuous hand movement, like a joystick. When it is correctly set up anyone could use it after a few minutes practise.
Setup is quite simple, since you do not need to set all the parameters for panoramas. Combined with the KRPano XML control code Gamewave is very flexible and can be precisely adjusted. At present I am using a right hand swipe to navigate panoramas and a left hand finger for hotspots. Have also made some KRPano key code calls to flick between little planet and normal view with my thumb.
I do not however intend using Leap with my computer when there is work to be done…
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