hi alexey, already knew this example but I can not understand how to use it to achieve what you have achieved with the scroll text and image side
hotspot with layer
Well, my images are distorted hotspots and they have tags - tag="narrow" or tag="normal". In the "flyout_by_name" action I added a line with if(); check. If hotpot's tag == narrow, then it's "ox" tweened to "-30%" (it moves to the side and stays in center). The scale is tweened a bit smaller. The textfield is realigned to height="70%" and width="30%".
If hotpot's tag="normal" the hotpot's "oy" is tweened so that it moves a bit up. Again, the scale is made smaller. The textfield is not changed and stays where it originally was - in the bottom. -
Hi Alexey , I not understand TAG in krpano??? you have link documentation?
It's not stated in documentation, as far as I know. I learned it from this thread:
hi alexey , I see you link and understand you explanation, but I can not properly functioning ahcer
I think it would need to resize the stage to fit the hotspot, you could upload some simple example to develop -
I finally resolved the issue practically since I have a flyout hotspot, with layer inside
this opens a new world, in krpaono for popup -
I finally resolved the issue practically since I have a flyout hotspot, with layer inside
this opens a new world, in krpaono for popup
Please, show that you wanted to do and what you have don… at final! :) -
for anyone who wants to see the result can add me to your skype, linck gladly send to see the final result. greetings
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