Is it possible to show external content in a polygon? Like this 3dvista example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yl5Ipe6t4Ew&t=198s .
I am aware that we can show html or iframe in a layer. But that will have fixed dimensions and shape. Shape and dimensions do not change with pano rotation.
Thank you.
Posts by srisa
That really helped. Thank you very much spacerywirtualne.
The cursor/tracker that activates the hotspots is not working on oculus browsers. It works on samsung browsers though. Krpano version is 1.20.1.
Any solutions/suggestions for this?
Thank you. -
When content is displayed through iframe, krpano will only get the domain name from the src attribute of the iframe, which will be your domain.
You should disable iframing of your site content through 'X-Frame-Options' header of apache web server. You should be able to white list the domains that you want allow iframes on through that header.
Or, you can try using javascript to verify domain name before allowing your tour to be displayed in iframe. Something like this:Quoteif (self === top) {
else {
if (top.location.hostName === 'your-client-domain.com') {
else {
If domain four levels deep like one.two.domain.com, 'License Error - Wrong Domain' error is being thrown even when the domain name matches. If the domain name is only two or three levels deep, no such error. I am using 1.18.6 version.
Is there any solution to this problem?
Thank you. -
michel, you are the man!! Take a bow monsieur :) You nailed it, name of the action it is. I changed it to "startup" and the tour works fine in javascript viewer too. Here is the updated link, http://www.2golive.com/krpano/version14.html
I have been using the same naming convention for quite some time. It worked up until in javascript player too. Even on it works on flash player (as you noted) and doesn't work on javascript player.
Thanks again
Cleared the cache, restarted the browser, everything done. Here is the link, http://www.2golive.com/krpano/version14.html
That tour plays well on flash viewer but doesn't work on javascript viewer. -
That thread talks about custom loader. It is a bit dated. From what i understand, you have to develop your own loader using flash professional. I am not sure if you can use a pre-built swf file as the progress indicator.
That page says that the progress bars listed there are for virtual tours created with Tour weaver. -
I have upgraded to the version of tools and viewer and plugins. Tools are working fine and so are the swf viewer and plugins.
When i tried to view the iphone/ipad tours in Safari with "user-agent = ios 4.3.3 ipad", all i get to see is black screen and the web-inspector shows this error in the krpanoiphone.js, "Range error: Maximum call stack size exceeded". I can see the same tour with krpanoJS viewer without any problems.
You can view this online here, http://www.2golive.com/krpano/version14.html . The xml is valid, so i don't see any problems with that. This xml files contains only two scenes and nothing else - no hotspots, no plugins, nothing.
I have added a trace statement, and it is not showing up in the log screen. So, either the xml is not being loaded or not being parsed.I created another xml without any scenes, just one pano and it works fine. Here is the link, http://www.2golive.com/krpano/deck.html
Can anyone check and confirm this issue? Also, what is the solution for this?
As I understand it, they are not shutting down the service. Flash API is being deprecated, so no more active development on that.
Question is: How does this affect the krpano google maps plugin and what are the changes/steps that we need to take to avoid surprises?
Hello Klaus,
This page, http://www.krpano.com/download/ shows as the latest release.
This page, https://krpano.com/download/beta/#2011-04-11 , shows as the release candidate.If is the release candidate, shouldn't that appear on the main download page? Also, i don't see any linux version of tools for Are they under construction or did you forget to upload?
you need to use at least version,
.............That explains the issue.
Thanks Klaus.
This thread says that autorotate tag is supported for iphone/ipad tours. I tried it on my Safari browser by changing the user-agent. I have added the autorotate tag, but the tour doesn't rotate. Is the autorotate tag supported for version ? Or does it work on proper devices only?
If i view it as a flash tour, the autorotate works as expected.
Thank you.
Not sure about RHEL 5, but tools are working as expected on Ubuntu 10.04.
Xml file, per se, will not be a problem. It will at most be at some tens of KBs. Thing to consider, as mentioned by @VN2009, is the number of images that have to be downloaded when the xml is parsed. Images tend to be a few MBs in size and they will need some time to load.
Currently we are running krpano tools on ubuntu 9.10. We had problems running them on rhel 5; some complaints about libc not compatible.
We are planning to move to ubuntu 10.04 or rhel 5. Is anyone using krpano tools on ubuntu 10.04 or rhel 5 ? If yes, was the installation and usage smooth or did you come across any errors?
Thank you.
http://www.krpano.com/forum/wbb/inde…d&threadID=3500 . That might help. That thread is about passing the parameters from the url to the xml file with javascript.