Beiträge von Dobrojelatel

    I'm trying to embed a pano without using the XML. The problem appears when I want to create an action (for combobox).
    I don't know where to write the action text. My example creates a combobox, but when I'm selecting an item an error appears:
    "ERROR: action not found: combobox:item2"
    In documentation there's only explanation of simple variables such as
    <image type="SPHERE" />

    is the same as
    But how to implement a code like this?
    <action name="combobox:item1">

    My example:
    var flashvars =

    "sphere" : "sphere_example.jpg",
    "action[0].name" :"combobox:item1",
    "action[1].name" :"combobox:item2"


    swfobject.embedSWF("krpano.swf", "krpano", "640", "480", "9.0.28", "swfobject21/expressInstall.swf", flashvars, {allowfullscreen:true, bgcolor:"#000000"}, {id:'krpano', name:'krpano'});