Beiträge von romerocoutinho

    Thanks Tuur, problem solved!

    To whom it may concern:


    Thank you so much for your agile reply.

    I've a autotour in my project like this and i'd like to add a layer to pause/play autotour on the onclick event. How can i do this?



    Is not possible because the onclick event is locked, so unlock when I click on the photo that triggers the oninterrupt.

    This can be seen in the "AMBIENTES" it does not work until the autotour be stopped. To stop the autotour clicking on the image menu "AMBIENTES" runs.


    One problem is happening after upgrading to krpano 1.16. When you open the virtual tour is initiated autotour:

    if (step == 1 lookto (-139,17,72.70, tween (easeOutQuad, 10)); inc (step), wait (2););
    if (step == 2 lookto (-168,2.81,72.70, tween (easeOutQuad, 8)), inc (step), wait (2););
    if (step == 3 lookto (-174.76,1.05,81.44, tween (easeOutQuad, 8)), inc (step), wait (2););
    if (step == 4 lookto (-234.3,1.03,99.46, tween (easeOutQuad, 10)); inc (step), wait (2););

    So now when you click on the navigation menu, oninterrupt is not triggered only when you click the photo,

    Before work normal, now stopped. Any idea what is happening?

    Thanks for the help, you showed me the way. From there I found that the events may be local to each scene.

    I decided to put the event into the scene:

              <events name="close" onloadcomplete="event_close();" />

    Best regards,

    Problem solved. Carelessly left by the parameter "y" setted with a value (-). Assigns the value 0 and corrected.

    In matter of performance is best to use a Layar (container) 100% height / width to create an effect of opacity or a plugin (image) 100% height / widht?

    My tour has 4 scenes, each with different people. When i tag someone, need to send the link of the current scene so that the person checked to see exactly where they were.

    Problem: PanoTag share on facebook link to the same scene (scene [0]), even though other people are in different scenes.

    One solution would be to increase the parameter postlink = "% url%" with querystring stating the name of the current scene. You can do this? If so, how?
