Beiträge von jay


    I am able to do a few beginner things after playing with the xml code: little planet into. This was created by dragging my pano to the krpanotools folder and onto the MAKE PANO(NORMAL)droplet. it created an xml file that I started to edit> adding little planet intro and the editor. To view this I have been clicking on the _____.html file. Where do I create a .sfw file of this code? The only swfs in my folder are: editor.swf and krpano.swf

    Ok so the next stumbling block is this: what code do I put where to start being able to edit and put lens flare on my image?(with polygon hotspots as my main goal) Am I to copy code from the "examples" folder and paste that into an xml editor? Here is what I have done so far: Drag my 6000X3000 panorama onto the droplet for "MAKE PANO (NORMAL) droplet . It produces in the original folder, 6 files. 1)tiles of the image 2)krpano.license 3)krpano.swf 4)html version of my swf 5) xml file of the image and 6)javascript file............... now to start adding things to my image like lensflare and polygon hotspots, do I copy the code from the "examples" folder (xml) and paste then into #5(xml file of the image)?
    Patience is appreciated,


    Thank you Jarredja! My mistake, I realized that I had not purchased the krpanotools license. I have recently upgraded, and it works just fine! Now to play around until the next stumbling block, yay learning! Thank you

    my next question to get started is:
    I have purchased the license. I see that the instructions say :

    "Copy the "krpano.license" file into the folder of the krpano SWF file.
    If the SWF file was renamed, the licence file must be renamed accordingly."

    There is a krpano.swf in 2 different locations 1) krpanotools-1
    2) krpano-1

    Which one do I put it in.

    I have tried copying and putting it in both, plus the folder where my stitched 6000x3000 pano is located. The name hasn't been changed as far as I know but when I drag the pano onto the "MAKE PANO(SINGLE SWF)droplet > I get a the demo version.

    Very confused, but willing to try a thousand times in as many combinations>


    Hello there. My name is Jay. I have been using Pano2vr which is great now that I have a grasp of the GUI. Krpano holds many features that I would like to see> polygon hotspots,lensflare, highsharp etc.....

    But I have to admit, I have no idea where to start. I have panoramas stitched at 6000x3000. I am not able to figure out what to do next. Obviously this early on I have no work flow. What do I do with my panorama? I can learn easily. Are there any tutorials that I may view?

