I've found the problem.
Is from nadir logo rotating.
If anyone has this problem, remove the part of the code that makes the nadir rotating
Daniel Purece - 360Concept
Virtual Tours Romania
I've found the problem.
Is from nadir logo rotating.
If anyone has this problem, remove the part of the code that makes the nadir rotating
Daniel Purece - 360Concept
Virtual Tours Romania
I have made a virtual tour with view_lookat and tween_lookat effect, but i have a problem.
I have arrow and interactive area like hotspots and when i first click on a hotspot does not make the rotating effect made by view_lookat and tween_lookat.
If i go back in that pano and click again on the hotspot make the effect.
I used in this tour for panoramas: tiles and cube face. Maybe this can be a problem for the effect ?
Excuse my bad english.
Here you can view the tour: Virtual Tour Calimanesti Caciulata
PS: Remember i have an effect for all hotspot: when you click on a hotspot should look from where you are coming and then look in a direction that i've choose.
Maybe from the first panorama to the second will make the effect, but go forward and you will see that in others panoramas doesn't make the rotating effect.
Here is the code for onclick event :
tween_lookat(56,0,75) - 56 is the lookat from the panorama which you have choosen to go.
I am waiting for your responses. Thank you!
Daniel Purece - 360Concept
360Concept - Virtual Tours Romania
Very nice scrolling thumbnail... Great job!
And the virtual tour is awsome.
Waiting for that beautifull thumbnail :D
Daniel Purece - 360Concept Virtual Tours Romania
I have one question. How do i use BlackyOn and BlackyOff ?
I've tried to put blackyon when people click on the info button, but doesn't do anything.
Here is the code:
<action name="closehelp">
[b]blackyOn(0.5, true);[/b]
set(plugin[dragmode].visible, true);
set(plugin[movemode].visible, false);
<action name="starthelp">
set(plugin[dragmode].visible, false);
set(plugin[movemode].visible, true);
[b] blackyOff();[/b]
Display More
I am missing something ?
Hey Tim2420,
Your Halloween panorama is extraodinary awsome. How did you put that people in the panorama? it is possible with krpano ?
Hey PanAustria, your panoramas are just great.
I have one question: How did you make take butterfly to fly in the panorama?
Daniel Purece - 360Concept
Very nice tour. I like the preview of hotspots on the map and the effect of the text field from left down side.
Congratulation! You have made a very interactive tour.
See two of our tour:
1) Apartment
- Apartment virtual tour
It has: map(with buttons(map 1, map2 and close map)), photo gallery, radars, tranzition beetween panoramas
2) Romanian Spa
- Virtual Tour Baile Olanesti - Romania
Virtual Tour Romania - 360Concept
Can you put a link to show us how is your video effect ?